Base +9, glitterhame +6, Adeles360 +6, Szayedt +14, tobeunforgiven2 +13, a35240 +8, nighttorch +6, overninek +6, aubrie paterson +6, waltergeist +9, menoskiller +7, blueperfection +7, Anduin91 +10, and 33 more...
Posted on 13 April 2018, 02:01 by:
Megaton Score
Last edited on 07 September 2018, 04:17.
Base +39, glitterhame +6, nighttorch +6, Feladrance +6, aubrie paterson +6, blueperfection +7, fibonaccitpost +5, Evil-Mepper +6, oneiwonder +7, Estel37 +8, mgran52 +8, EvilSanta +6, UWin +11, and 5 more...
Posted on 13 April 2018, 02:15 by:
THDragon Score
Last edited on 13 April 2018, 14:28.
Base +27, glitterhame +6, The Chronicler +7, Nahkaparturi +6, nighttorch +6, lunarnors +7, aubrie paterson +6, Darkelitex +6, menoskiller +7, blueperfection +7, Fnvtova +7, MRVII +8, Evil-Mepper +6, and 23 more...
Posted on 13 April 2018, 02:52 by:
pop9 Score
Base +70, a35240 +8, Feladrance +6, lunarnors +7, @43883 +35, homogenized +8, bananafairy +6, Lolibunny +6, aleden +10, ehdgoanf117 +6, jfragrettel +8
Base +6, pluto408 +9, VLK1993 +6, FertyJukli -6, Hyoros +10, Mrsuperhappy +30, fibonaccitpost +5, Evil-Mepper +6, tooshyforthis +4, hoigoigoi +17, breanyman +6, ddothltr +6, oneiwonder +7, and 10 more...
Base +6, lunarnors +7, aubrie paterson +6, UWin +11, xchemistry +6, bananafairy +6, Anotherforreal +9, ehdgoanf117 +6, jfragrettel +8
Base +6, VLK1993 +6, lunarnors +7, Kiranta -6, FertyJukli +6, blueperfection +7, ddothltr +6, Danjian +6, oneiwonder +7, Nelath +6, lilgiudis +6, UWin +11, xchemistry +6, and 7 more...
Base +17, lunarnors +7, FertyJukli +6, aubrie paterson +6, oneiwonder +7, purumoru +3, bananafairy +6, Lolibunny +6, Anotherforreal +9, ehdgoanf117 +6, jfragrettel +8
Posted on 13 April 2018, 05:10 by:
kiwino Score
Base +5, ddothltr -6, The Mike -12, ckretaznman -8, biscardone -7, altofinale -6, bananafairy -6, Lolibunny -6, iamthegang -8, LingeringMemories -13
Base +6, evilfuzzyman +6, bananafairy +6, Anotherforreal +9, ehdgoanf117 +6, jfragrettel +8, Brian Alvarez +12
Base +6, UWin +11, bananafairy +6, Anotherforreal +9, ehdgoanf117 +6, jfragrettel +8
Posted on 13 April 2018, 08:21 by:
@Inkblot Score
Base +21, oneiwonder +7, shrö +6, UWin +11, jfragrettel +8
Base +6, ddothltr +6, procrasterbator +6, Danjian +6, oneiwonder +7, Vilis +24, UWin +11, plusarkos +6, bananafairy +6, Lolibunny +6, truefire +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +5, Anotherforreal +9, and 4 more...
Posted on 13 April 2018, 08:36 by:
lapan Score
Base +8, oneiwonder +7, shrö +6, bananafairy +6, jfragrettel +8
Posted on 13 April 2018, 09:01 by:
Luke78 Score
Base +11, ddothltr +6, oneiwonder +7, EvilSanta +6, UWin +11, bananafairy +6, Anotherforreal +9, jfragrettel +8, Brian Alvarez +12
Posted on 13 April 2018, 11:15 by:
sonictmp Score
Base +7, oneiwonder +7, UWin +11, bananafairy +6, Lolibunny +6, Anotherforreal +9, jfragrettel +8, Brian Alvarez +12
Base +19, UWin +11, oneiwonder +7, altofinale +6, bananafairy +6, Lolibunny +6, Puchu1 +6, aleden +10, Anotherforreal +9, jfragrettel +8, Brian Alvarez +12
Posted on 13 April 2018, 18:50 by:
OrlaSex Score
Base +2, UWin +11, oneiwonder +7, bananafairy +6, Anotherforreal +9, jfragrettel +8, NightLillith +5, Brian Alvarez +12