Base +6, darkknightx2 +8, Paizurikin +10, Diablo44555 +9, EvilSanta +6, kyimata +9, Lostalgia +8, Elementxj +6, jfragrettel +8, hazari_13 +5, FMoonedge +6, PinguPrin +5, LanSOADer +6, and 23 more...
Base +6, Paizurikin +10, cocblockula +9, Brego1 +6, jackels +8, EvilSanta +6, flashpanty +8, kyimata +9, FertyJukli +6, Mirager_ +6, Lostalgia +8, jfragrettel +8, hazari_13 +5, and 32 more...
Base +10, cocblockula +9, Brego1 +6, EvilSanta +6, Gunkshot +2, FertyJukli +6, Mirager_ +6, Lostalgia +8, jfragrettel +8, LanSOADer +6, Imsolo +6, UnknowDestroyer +19, George642 +9, and 10 more...
Posted on 20 April 2018, 21:41 by:
otaku196 Score
Base +3, Lostalgia +8, jfragrettel +8, Jadeddonger +6, Shinryu-Rex +11, GARmama +6, Trooper400 +9, khrwanillwwat +6, Hanthrax +5
Base +6, Lostalgia +8, jfragrettel +8, PinguPrin +5, crosnine +4, Jadeddonger +6, khrwanillwwat +6, Hanthrax +5
Base +6, Lostalgia +8, jfragrettel +8, DxKuro +7, GravitysLover +6
Base +5, Lostalgia +8, jfragrettel +8, Misesty +7, vanpud +6, kahn0219 -6, Imsolo +6, Jack Knife +6
Posted on 21 April 2018, 02:13 by:
Marien Score
Base +21, jfragrettel +8, MadWan +3, Misesty +7, Aelth +6, vanpud +6, kvlar +6, Jadeddonger +6, Deathscythe008 +6, Pillowgirl -21, Cloud56 +6, TheRokyando -6, Silver_Kirin +6, and 1 more...
Base +16, vanpud +6, Deathscythe008 +6, Hucow87 +7, GatakiribaCombo +6, Trooper400 +9
Base +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +5, Jadeddonger +6
Base +9, Pillowgirl +21, TheRokyando +7
Base +6, Infamous Ether +6, moistnugget21 +6, Trooper400 +9
Base +5, jjaysenea2003 +6, Generotic +8, DuckDickerdly -3, kskx4 -5, TheRokyando +7, The bonker +6
Posted on 20 August 2020, 20:36 by:
Emarmei Score
Base +4, Generotic +8, DuckDickerdly +3, Trooper400 +9, kskx4 +5, The bonker -6
Base +6, occo -7, Holapeeps -6, TheRokyando -7
Posted on 12 June 2022, 06:02 by:
guest489 Score
Base +6, Bruzer567 +6, TheRokyando +7, The bonker +6