this and dragon quest 11 sets look like they are going tobe the hottest out of the 3 sets. the 2nd sample pic art is hot , anyone know who the artist name/pixiv is? would like to check out the artidt other art if they have blog or pixiv
the samples from the first 200 volumes did not have these squares in them. the dlsite versions when they was uploaded the first 300 volumes had some extra amount of sensorship that the final product did not have , but it was not white squares at first.
now even melonbooks and physcial verson shops has the white box sensor. but the physcial version has the same level of sensorship as dlsite version. that has been the case since volume 384 .
now there is only 2 pic for samples also. smaller doujin event has less cg set released and comic market event doujin is released in incrments similar to 2016 where as time passed by from comic market in august mroe sets was becoming available on online shops and more sets was revealed on their site.
knights and magic set has some funny scenes the pic where the blue hair boy is making out with multiple girl is both funny and something not seen much in their sets , as it is usually gangbangg in. there is not much knights and magic doujin out there as there is pixiv art it seems.
the extra sensorship seems to be random sudden choice by the group when making samples , bizzare as they make the final product have much more mosiac blur sensor .
did not expect this much time to paass without any sign of this groups stuff being brought up somewhere on the site or any hentai site for this matter
with the last event at least something abouut this groups release showed up on some hentai site / imageboard soon before they came out , but not this time.
this was not the case for last years non comic market doujin events .
i guess this event was small because comic market will have more released in that event the new restrictions on digital doujin sensorship has started to effect this group cd rom releases and samples , on dlsite and on other sites like melonbooks hoping these 3 sets does not get skipped for the upcoming events releases.... i have been excited for the dragon quest 11 set as that game seemed like a perfect fit for lolita channel parodies. maybe when sensorhip in japan is less intense on physcial doujin then lolitachannel cd rom versions will go back to the way they used to be
takahama is the artist for both samples? i can see that takahama is the 2nd pic artist but what about the 3rd pic "the 2nd sample pic?" can anyone identify the artists that has been in current lolitachannel sets? only know that niji eisen , muimui , takahama , kloah , upside down gian are artists in lolitachannel. also has anyone found this set scans and or its html files or novel puctures?