Posted on 17 May 2018, 00:36 by:
eelf Base +6, fappyqaz +6, psycobeard +7, tony3141 +3, 999999aa +6, frans7 +4, PhillzPillz +6, crzyguy3 +6, Maloonkey +6, bananapie62 +6, darthdavid +6, 1qazqaz +6, Qwertius +16, and 2 more...
Base +6, otgosu +7, frans7 +4, anomahous +9, theglueman +5, crzyguy3 +6, Gabs999 +5, HamburgerHelper +7, Maloonkey +6, The Great Nigga +6, bananapie62 +6, 1qazqaz +6, cuddleskunk -7, and 3 more...
Posted on 17 May 2018, 15:35 by:
dope Score
Base +6, Drakkonab +6, Maloonkey -6, The Great Nigga -6, Markup -8, darthdavid -6, FinalZman -6, masterchief47 -7, cuddleskunk -7, Qwertius -16, StrongBrush1 -5, Ultros -7, hellocakeguy -6, and 1 more...
Base +5, cuddleskunk +7, darthdavid +6, cactos +4, Qwertius +16