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[Razter] Extra Thicc/ Back to the Ass (Samurai Jack) [Ongoing]

Posted:2018-05-19 18:26
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:25.83 MiB
Length:34 pages
Favorited:680 times
Average: 4.52

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Razter] Extra Thicc/ Back to the Ass (Samurai Jack) [Ongoing], added 2018-05-26 22:11
[Razter] Extra Thicc/ Back to the Ass (Samurai Jack) [Ongoing], added 2018-06-07 14:26
[Razter] Extra Thicc/ Back to the Ass (Samurai Jack) [Ongoing], added 2018-06-25 23:23
[Razter] Extra Thicc/ Back to the Ass (Samurai Jack) [Ongoing], added 2018-06-26 23:36
[Razter] Extra Thicc/ Back to the Ass (Samurai Jack) [Ongoing], added 2018-06-30 17:54
[Razter] Extra Thicc/ Back to the Ass (Samurai Jack) [Completed], added 2018-07-15 15:53

Showing 1 - 34 of 34 images

Posted on 19 May 2018, 18:26 by:   BigBoobsPerv    PM
Uploader Comment
Updated as of 5/19/18
Posted on 19 May 2018, 19:58 by:   Task_master    PM
Score +99
I'm liking the ending that this is going for more than the actual ending.
Posted on 19 May 2018, 21:13 by:   Ahito    PM
Score +52
Good ending as well, he made so many friends in this dystopian future. Anime ending was logic and sad, like a duty above feelings. I still loved that fifth season, no sidewalks, deeper and stronger. We all wished the future to merge with past like a permanent portal. I'd have wanted to see how bad future crumbled with Aku's face.
Posted on 19 May 2018, 23:36 by:   core1991    PM
Score +20
Logic in the ending? No, if ashi disappeared so would distopia Jack because presently Jack was sent to the future without aku(because Jack killed aku) or aku isn't dead but sealed momentarily after Jack's old age death he would rise again, but that would entail a new time line without Jack this time. So if Jack is allowed to stay in the past ashi should too.
Posted on 20 May 2018, 02:11 by:   BigBoobsPerv    PM
Score +23
Or better yet, Ashi could've just brought Jack's friends and family from the past to the future so they were all alive and safe.
Posted on 20 May 2018, 09:14 by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +77
It's time travel. No matter what you do, there will be issues.
Last edited on 27 June 2018, 02:27.
Posted on 26 May 2018, 22:35 by:   1bts    PM
Score +9
@core1991 yeah that was a plot hole made little sense to me. i wondered if the writer decided to ignore it because he was very adamant about having ashi go out that way, or if for some reason he couldn't see such a clear plot hole.
Posted on 26 May 2018, 23:35 by:   SAMIDIVANDOUEN    PM
Score +14
samurai JackOFF
Posted on 27 May 2018, 01:24 by:   dman69    PM
Score +29
That's not how it works, Jack was already from the past he just came back to the time he was from originally so killing Aku in the past wouldn't have an effect on him because that's where he's supposed to be in the first place. It isn't like Terminator where he was from the future to begin with.

Also feels like people are forgetting that getting back to the past was Jack's entire motive, it was in the theme song for god's sake.
Posted on 07 June 2018, 19:45 by:   newtype711    PM
Score +12
We do not argue time travel because we subscribe to the alternate timelines theory anyway (think Trunks from DBZ) but here is the important stuff:

1. "Back to the Ass" is a goal in itself, no Aku needed.
2. In the end all of Jack's allies (except the Scotman's family) died. So why would he want to stay?
3. The whole point of the show was to prevent ANYONE from getting hurt by Aku so why stay in the "Aku infested" future like so many fans seem to want?
4. There should be a doujin where Jack bangs ALL of Ashi's sisters to the good side. Then an omake with the Scotman's daughters because, why not?
5. Lastly: Ashi here looks better than in the show. In the show she kinda looks like a camel depending on the angle.
Posted on 07 June 2018, 20:12 by:   J.fb    PM
Score +30
Some people seem to be confused about the ending.

During their fight in Jack's time, Aku opens a portal and sends Jack through it.

He then uses the time between that moment and the moment Jack arrives in the future to establish his dominance. The events of the series play out, Ashi uses her powers to bring herself and Jack to the same moment Aku sent Jack to the future and beat him.

With Aku dead there and then, he never established dominance, no cults would have been formed around him, and no daughters born from his essence.

This isn't a plot hole, just a universe that doesn't run on multiverse theory.
Posted on 07 June 2018, 23:27 by:   Ahito    PM
Score +6
People got so many theories. Being a fan of BTTF and Dragon Ball confused me. Butterfly effect meanwhile showed me any theory can be good following our way to travel time.

There is always a startpoint and Doc's sentence to help Marty's future in BTTF3 showed it. "Any of our acts affect our future"
Still, we're selfishes fans and always complain as some hoped for multiple dimensions or stayed
Posted on 26 June 2018, 00:31 by:   tchubert    PM
Score +6
@J.fb, @dman69
That's just a Voodoo Shark. Either the bad future still happened in Jack's(and by extension, Ashi's) personal timeline so them changing the past doesn't affect them or you end up with a paradox where the act of defeating Aku undoes itself.(No future Aku -> Jack and Ashi do not return to the time were Jack was send forward -> Aku is not defeated in the past -> future Aku -> original story)

Ashi only disappeared because the writers wanted that cheap drama at the end. They should have blamed it on her requiring Aku to stay alive, rather than to be born. Or, even better, just dropped it because it doesn't really add anything.
Posted on 26 June 2018, 02:18 by:   old timer    PM
Score +19
Best ending ever
Posted on 26 June 2018, 07:15 by:   animanera89    PM
Score +19
Still a better ending than the "canon" one.
Posted on 26 June 2018, 07:15 by:   kolshix    PM
Score +7
wrong sort !
26-27 (22-23)

Orriginal story
bad END - 5s10s ;((
Posted on 27 June 2018, 02:24 by:   MasterSorrowBorn    PM
Score +8
I adore the look of "I am so god damn bored." on page 35-37.
Posted on 29 June 2018, 09:42 by:   dman69    PM
Score +7
Again that's not how it works, Jack was already from the past, so him going back to his own time doesn't affect him in the least.
Now if he was already from the future to begin with you'd have a point, but he wasn't.
Posted on 15 July 2018, 17:35 by:   Kurolegacy    PM
Score +6
The problem with that lies in the fact that despite Jack being from the past, at that point in time, he's the future counterpart of the man who was sent forward in time. By him killing Aku in the past, he creates a paradox in which he himself couldn't exist due him having killed Aku before he took over the world. As a result, the version of himself that was sent into the future would never become him since said future wouldn't exist. It wouldn't work as a closed time loop because of that and as a result, this version of Jack should have disappeared due to the circumstances of his existance had been negated
Posted on 15 July 2018, 18:02 by:   tchubert    PM
Score +6
The Jack that defeated Aku was the one from the future. That he had originally been born in the past is irrelevant, as he has been affected by and has affected events in the future. Changing the future changes him. Especially since he changed it in such a way that the way he returned to the past is no longer available. If Ashi disappears, so must Jack.
Posted on 15 July 2018, 22:15 by:   darkboy1200    PM
Score +15
Great comic! I love how Jack is still grabbing on her ass while they're both asleep!
Posted on 16 July 2018, 11:59 by:   Braltewrakcus    PM
Score +18
still disappointed the Scotsman's girls didn't get any action with their emperor.
Posted on 17 August 2018, 03:59 by:   lplplplpl    PM
Score +15
Ruining my childhood never felt so good.
Posted on 09 October 2018, 12:41 by:   dman69    PM
Score +7

Not how it works, there's no future version of Jack.
He's not gonna disappear because he was always the same person, there is no time paradox involved
Posted on 01 December 2018, 20:43 by:   sunshineandlolipops    PM
Score +17
Since the canon ending is being discussed in detail here, I posted my thoughts elsewhere, but might as well post them here:

Ashi's death scene seemed like a deliberate homage to a similar scene from "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann", knowing Tartakovsky that's likely intentional. They even did the "she doesn't die immediately, but vanishes during the wedding" part. I must admit Ashi's death didn't impact me that much, it seemed a bit "let's try to be bittersweet simply for the sake of doing a bittersweet ending". I am far more concerned, and somewhat disappointed, that the episode never establishes if some (maybe even all) of the characters we know from the future, like Scotsman and his Daughters, also ceased to be, like Ashi did. I cared about these characters far more, than for Jack's parents. And the possibility that Jack's victory means that timeline completely ceased to be and all or some of those characters might be gone, makes Jack's "victory" feel far less noble.

I'm grateful to Tartakovsky for coming back, despite having the "Hotel Transylvania 3" movie to work on, and giving us the conclusion to Samurai Jack we've been waiting for. Many of us, me included, waited for it for thirteen years. And all things considered, it is at least somewhat satisfying, and at very least, final and decisive.

That said, I do feel this season peaked early, in its first three episodes, and it makes sense that those were exactly the episodes that got pre-screened to critics before the premiere. Don't get me wrong, the seven episodes that followed were all at least good, and some were even great, but they never reached the intensity, attention to detail, and level of engagement (to me), as the first three episodes, which were absolute masterpieces, did. I'm not complaining about the Jack-Ashi hook-up plot, that in itself was fine, but the pacing in the latter seven episodes sometimes felt off, some of how the storyline unfolded felt a bit paint by numbers and convenient, and they never reached the level of suspense the first three did, at least in my opinion.

I'm not saying I was expecting The Wire Season 4, Breaking Bad Season 4, or Fargo (tv series) Season 1 from this revival, but even when comparing it to fellow adult focused cartoons, I feel Rick and Morty Season 2, Bojack Horseman Season 3, and Venture Bros. Season 6 left me with a far stronger emotional impact upon their conclusions. But of course while, in my opinion, it never regained the level of mastery of the first three episodes, it was still a great season of animation.

On a side note, since Ashi disappeared due to being a paradox, she should have disappeared immediately upon past Aku's death. Nia in TTGL was explained as her having managed to "hold out" till the wedding, but in Ashi's context her surviving till the wedding is plot hole for the sake of doing a dramatic homage. Also, during the wedding why does Jack's father look like he did when Jack was a kid? He already had grey hair and a ruined body before Jack first confronted Aku and got sent to the future.
Posted on 05 February 2019, 01:12 by:   ManMore    PM
Score +1

Thats exactly how time travel works. Any time you travel out of your normal timeline you become an alternate version of yourself. Even besides that, what jack became in that timeline and what he went through and all his memories after being sent into the future were because of Aku. If Aku disappeared from the timeline than at the VERY LEAST, all of jacks memories and experiences shouldve reverted to before meeting Aku. He cant have those memories and aspects of himself if Aku never existed. You either have to be firm in stuff reverting due to paradoxes or play it loose and let Jack stay the same and let Ashi stay alive. You cant do both for the sake of cheap drama.

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