Posted on 20 May 2018, 08:38 by:
Noni Score
Base +34, Bengon +6, xXclampXx +6, Taedium +6, Kona-chan +7, fauzan73 -7, lunarnors +7, jfragrettel +8, Jalis -7, letoplel -17, shiftyness13 -6, Chaku -7, airhead +11, and 4 more...
Base +7, SpoonyMan +6, Taedium +6, Kona-chan +7, dawntgiy +3, hamzah lol +7, fapsatlightspeed +5, Amy untold fan XXX +6, FertyJukli -6, lunarnors +7, @43883 +35, jfragrettel +8, HaloIris +3, and 31 more...
Base +6, hamzah lol +7, Amy untold fan XXX +6, @43883 +35, jfragrettel +8, RyuuHawke +6, The Inker +8, DeKappa +5, shiftyness13 +6, CxHxA +6, IncognitoMaud +6, Mastersparx +6, airhead +11, and 7 more...
Base +7, hamzah lol +7, Amy untold fan XXX +6, @43883 +35, jfragrettel +8, RyuuHawke +6, The Inker +8, shiftyness13 +6, CxHxA +6, IncognitoMaud +6, Kona-chan +7, Mastersparx +6, airhead +11, and 9 more...
Base +7, @43883 +35, jfragrettel +8, letoplel -17, Miko Neko +7, shiftyness13 -6, Mastersparx +6, finnick8 +7, airhead +11, Serena Lea +2, kikones34 +6, moeasteaglechan +6, Bloomberg +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, HentaiJew +6, moeasteaglechan +6
Base +5, Scorps283 +4, Serena Lea +2, Hyoros -12, Nartousamaci +6
Base +6, Scorps283 +4, Serena Lea +2, letoplel -18, Weiss M +6, Yuyu90 +6, FastRabbit +15, moeasteaglechan +6, Hyoros -12, Bloomberg +6, xElemental +12, Ammendum +5, anon69696969 +3
Posted on 24 May 2018, 02:08 by:
GB140 Score
Base +7, letoplel -18, Yuyu90 +6, euhavgnolyf +6, Gogetters +8, Ha5 +6, imuzi_atanok +10, moeasteaglechan +6, buio4exh +1, xElemental +12
Posted on 26 September 2019, 14:20 by:
kiwino Score
Base +8