Posted on 22 May 2018, 02:32 by:
ForteGK Score
Base +6, phantom116 -6, cybervision9595 +9, blueperfection +7, SCSS +18, gooched +6, tempname3 -6, SilentAnime -10, aszccdd +13, Iriscal +6, cthulhudicks +6, noahbot3 +6, schody1234 +8, and 14 more...
Base +7, MachoCheez +6, SilentAnime +10, schody1234 -8, noahbot3 -6, EFBxEPiG -5, Fills +6, Nefasturris -9, pipino -6, drmagma +6, The Darkness -14, anon431 +6, Nomake Wan -16, and 2 more...
Base +6, schody1234 +8, pipino +6, noahbot3 +6, EFBxEPiG +5, Nashiki18 +6, drmagma -6, The Darkness +14, anon431 -6, Nomake Wan +16, gigan -8, rez99 -12, sgc_geh +12, and 1 more...
Base +11, noahbot3 -6, EFBxEPiG -5, stappler -7, propylene poly -6, poonspoon -6, Nashiki18 -6, subbesnubben -6, Fills +6, Vilis -25, Kudou Emika -6, The Darkness -14, NormanMayder -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 03 June 2018, 02:56 by:
iceloops Score
Base +14, pipino -6, anon431 +6, Nomake Wan -16, 7hatGuy -10, gigan +8
Base +6, drmagma +6, TheGoodGiggle +5, anon431 +6, atasitian +29
Posted on 10 March 2019, 21:36 by:
Haborym Score
Base +7, pipino +6, drmagma -6, The Darkness +14, anon431 -6, Nomake Wan +16, sgc_geh +12, Psi Stuff +5
Posted on 29 December 2022, 09:27 by:
kiwino Score
Base +13, atasitian -29, sgc_geh -12