Posted on 02 June 2018, 02:00 by:
THDragon Score
Base +27, in777 +7, pakman123 +6, ezrewriter -26, Lolibunny +6, skeksis +6, kiptu +6, vanpud -6, MSZ-008 +6, Unoduo +7, alactalac +8, FertyJukli +6, Masterdr +6, and 34 more...
Base +8, ezrewriter -26, John Tank +20, Lolibunny +6, waltergeist +9, kiptu +6, white umbrella -6, guruhoro +8, MSZ-008 +6, FertyJukli +6, metalgunblade -13, blueperfection +7, Maciste +6, and 14 more...
Base +7, pakman123 -6, waltergeist -9, ezrewriter +26, vanpud +6, guruhoro -8, FertyJukli -6, Rose Garden -10, metalgunblade +13, Sweet Breaker -6, ntsmooth +8, savris -5, EvilSanta -6, and 14 more...
Base +7, ezrewriter -26, waltergeist +9, skeksis +6, kiptu +6, vanpud -6, white umbrella -6, guruhoro +8, Wolfwod +7, metalgunblade -13, ntsmooth -8, blueperfection +7, EvilSanta +6, and 11 more...
Base +6, Luke78 -11, guruhoro -8, Wolfwod -7, FertyJukli -6, Rose Garden -10, metalgunblade +13, kiptu -6, Gerokero -5, Sweet Breaker -6, ntsmooth +8, Sephye +6, Sistinas -6, and 13 more...
Base +6, jfragrettel +8, bananafairy +6, Juggernaut Santa -27, harambe.exe -5, anonymousMember +6, Vilnius +7, BustahWoluf -16, FlamingZombiez +9, chinda +9, Rail vehicle fan +6
Posted on 02 June 2018, 06:31 by:
sonictmp Score
Base +7, blueperfection +7, Maciste +6, savris +5, EvilSanta +6, jfragrettel +8, ninjadragon +12, bananafairy +6, bookie -7, howshi -6, Juggernaut Santa -27, boss302 +5, BustahWoluf -16
Base +13, blueperfection +7, Maciste +6, EvilSanta +6, jfragrettel +8, bananafairy +6, bookie -7, Juggernaut Santa -27, BustahWoluf -16, FlamingZombiez +9
Base +5, Maciste -6, Chester GoodYear +9, jfragrettel +8, bananafairy -6, vanpud +6, bookie -7, Rail vehicle fan +5
Posted on 02 June 2018, 09:44 by:
tentons Score
Base +6, blueperfection +7, Maciste +6, Lin84210 +6, jfragrettel +8, ninjadragon +12, bananafairy +6, Juggernaut Santa -27, powa01 +11, harambe.exe +5, Vilnius +7, SomethingVidya +6, BustahWoluf -16, and 1 more...
Posted on 02 June 2018, 11:06 by:
Incense Score
Base +6, Rabaa +6, jfragrettel +8, ninjadragon -12, NinjaBoobyMaster -4, BZFS +6, bananafairy -6, laptopsuc +7, bookie +7, plusarkos +6, howshi +6, NemoTheRuthless +6, meatyllamastick -6, and 6 more...
Base +6, Feladrance +6, jfragrettel +8, bananafairy +6, Juggernaut Santa -27, anonymousMember +6, BustahWoluf -16, FlamingZombiez +9, chinda +9
Base +6, fairy_wizard -6, jfragrettel +8, NinjaBoobyMaster +4, bananafairy +6, meatyllamastick +6, Juggernaut Santa -27, anonymousMember +6, Randomman24 -4, boss302 +5, BustahWoluf -16, chinda +9
Base +11, bananafairy +6, Bactinus +6, bookie -7, Juggernaut Santa -27, RigenZ +6, EvilSanta +6, vanpud -6, mollusk_mangler +3, Vilnius +7, boss302 +5, BustahWoluf -16, chinda +9, and 1 more...