1. You can blacklist uploaders who mainly upload stuff you don't like (in settings) 2. You now can hide tags you dislike, and watch tags you like (configure it in "my tags") 3. Galleries with some tags (like guro and scat) should give you a warning before you even see anything, if they don't you disabled it
@ fabriciodel96 Can't do anything about the ratings, while it'd be good for them to reflect what the people who have interest in said fetish think, be it for other people looking for stuff, be it for the artists who are around, the kids will still play around with it.
You upload some interesting stuff, thanks! and keep it up. I understand the need of putting that "Some information:" text in the description, but people will always enter anyway just to criticize and give bad ratings (which I personally don't care about, I mostly care about the favs) even if you explicitly state in the title what the gallery is about.