Base +7, Dawnell_do +1, jfragrettel +8, srt +6, lostsheep +6, shivering +6, seoseji +4, kaninusagi +6, st.michael +6, harpadarpod +9, Laharl_EAC +10, Romi the Byzantine -7, WhoBeMe +5, and 11 more...
Base +6, shgshg +7, jfragrettel +8, srt +6, Courier47 +5, Interagi +6, kaninusagi +6, MilkTeaEgg +9, Bud_1911 +7, Keirnoth -6, WhoBeMe +5, CAxl7678 +6, trogdorrunner +6, and 4 more...
Base +2, jfragrettel +8, srt +6, HikariNiwa +6, inquisitiveinkwell +6, Gabygabycandid +6, somercet +8
Base +6, kaninusagi +6, Scoobydoobydoo +6, thekiller2413 +6, Romi the Byzantine -7, sadlol21 +2, silversama +6, zmackay +5, HikariNiwa +6, inquisitiveinkwell +6, Gabygabycandid +6, qwerdssa +8, somercet +8, and 1 more...
Base +7, inquisitiveinkwell +6, Gabygabycandid +6, somercet +8
Posted on 10 July 2019, 20:05 by:
kieyzo Score
Base +7, somercet +8