Posted on 24 June 2018, 03:55 by:
kit07 Base +6, typoking7 +6, Alfasaus +4, Amoriss -6, venfare +9, PervyYoungman +7
Posted on 24 June 2018, 12:05 by:
aleden Score
Base +15, yvonne9612 +6, Qwerty Bam +6, typoking7 +6, Meninist +4, Lady-Akane +2, LeisureLarry +6, readmanthepaper -6, ronnehh +6, Dawnell_do +1, kwin10 +6, titoloco -7, Alfasaus +4, and 17 more...
Base +8, DahSpanker +6, LeisureLarry +6, readmanthepaper +6, Dawnell_do +1, Raift +9, Alfasaus +4, mondegreened -6, kwin10 -6, MTXXX +6, Lady-Akane +2
Posted on 24 June 2018, 12:31 by:
atom89 Score
Base +7, LeisureLarry +6, Dawnell_do +1, sammysolo +6, Alfasaus +4, mondegreened -6, kwin10 -6, Lumenite -4, ewmew +4, Romi the Byzantine +7, vixenelli +3, somercet +11
Base +6, Lady-Akane +2, Karkhouv +6, kwin10 +6, titoloco -7, Alfasaus +4, mondegreened +6, Lumenite -4, Hatsvasi +6, strophariad +7, MilkTeaEgg -9, AngelFred05 -9, vixenelli +7, and 1 more...
Base +5, sammysolo +6, Alfasaus +4, mondegreened -6, kwin10 -6, MTXXX +6, vixenelli +3
Base +7, titoloco -7, kwin10 +6, Lumenite +4, Anão +6, MTXXX +6, Enki17 +10, somercet +11, Yatamomo +6, LeisureLarry +8
Base +6, kwin10 +6, Anão +6, ewmew +4, Megaton +39, Warawafan +6, MTXXX +6, Lady-Akane +2, LeisureLarry +8, samothrace +6, LocoStranger +6
Base +18, MTXXX +6, vixenelli +3, somercet +11, LeisureLarry +8