Asera is an AMAZING artist, that's why I commissioned them for this comic! You can find their work at these places: (at the time of this comment their Patreon, like so many others, is pending review)
The characters present in this awesome, lil comic are none other than Ingrid "The Bear" Federova and Shaylah "Anathema" Owens, both combatants of my monthly Patreon series, the F.U.T.A. It's a comic series that attempts to combine futanari, sex, and wrasslin' in one (hopefully) sexy little package.
To see more of the F.U.T.A. and my work in general, check out the following places:
Also, some individuals have kindly provided a healthy chunk of my work here on E-Hentai! Use the following URL to find more by yours truly and see if a patronage tickles yer fancy! /tag/artist:squarepeg3d
For fans of Ingrid and Shaylah, I highly recommend Match 04 of the F.U.T.A., which you can find at the above link. =D
Base +7, samm1e1 +10, vincenth93 +7, Otiropas77 +7, ElisaG -11, Kotovsky +6, Not Old just Wise +7, Crimson Savior +6, somercet +8, woshinibabayeyeye +6, killa1986 +7, errata +7, John Silker +3, and 1 more...