Posted on 28 June 2018, 11:19 by:
ROBBOO Base +5, PTAV -6, hurrahharry -4, NormanB -4, caveman84 -6, digdug83 -6, pabloalcr -6, zinc0000 -6, Finbastard -5, FarkyMac +6, Cattapratta +9, Bostoncrab -5, twixbrand -7, and 53 more...
Posted on 10 November 2016, 01:11 by:
Rubbery Score
Base +6, PTAV -6, hurrahharry -4, NormanB -4, caveman84 -6, digdug83 -6, pabloalcr -6, zinc0000 -6, Finbastard -5, FarkyMac -6, Cattapratta +9, harem_coven_ledr312 +6, Kold -6, and 16 more...
Posted on 25 November 2016, 13:16 by:
Ixander Score
Base +6, Finbastard +5, FarkyMac +6, Boya +7, annacanna -8, twixbrand +7, TreadedWater +6, farting_aids -6, Paizurikin -10, AegisSwordsman +2, futzxx -6, Blorg -10, rocketm +6, and 24 more...
Base +7, FarkyMac +6, harem_coven_ledr312 +6, Boya +7, annacanna -8, androyd09 +7, TreadedWater -6, farting_aids -6, no78 -4, MonsterButler +6, AegisSwordsman +2, futzxx -6, rocketm +6, and 32 more...
Base +6, rocketm +6, Demfags +6, Dehumanizer +6, poopoopapa +9, Blorg +10, waetos -10, Seelenmord -10, caveman84 +6, Valiactus -10, Ictiosis -5, adrewtc +7, xxard -8, and 1 more...
Posted on 11 May 2017, 10:12 by:
Gwenxu7 Score
Base +5, 410billionbluntz +3, Dehumanizer +6, nowaydude97 +7, hobozombie +8, waetos -10, Seelenmord -10, Valiactus -10, Pierzak +6, shinigami_darkrei -6, caveman84 +6, MayaAreeya -2
Base +6, alohrohro -8, yomoto47 +5, Doclll -4, CorruptedNerd669 +5, lostlegoman -8, Durf_ +4, MonsterButler -6, Phearius +6, hobozombie +8, animanera89 -7, Blorg -10, Haku-dono -6, and 11 more...
Posted on 29 December 2017, 21:11 by:
sucubasda Score
Base +1
Base +6, auraofair -7, MayaAreeya -2
Base +6, z3roibot +6, auraofair -7, Seelenmord -10
Posted on 26 May 2018, 17:24 by:
JAYCZero Score
Base +6, shadow9800 -7, TrustyGoyim +5, Ictiosis +5, Seelenmord +10, shadowwall456 -6