Translated upon a friend of mine's request. This is my first time translating porn, and also my first time typesetting, so if you spot any mistakes or have any suggestions, feel free. I tried to maintain the original's humorous tone while making it sound appropriately porny.
Btw, I don't know why page 6 is like that, but it was that way in the raws too, so I can't do anything about it. If there's a better version out there, lemme know.
That... was awesome! Fantastic. And hilarious too. Minoriko calling Wriggle's nickname retarded was great.
Is it just me, or do artists give Wriggle a dick in quite a lot of doujinshi? I see it all the time. Either way, I love it, so no complaints. Despite the fun mood, it was also really hot. Some fantastic, sexy panels in here. Minoriko is just too irresistible. Thanks a lot for TL'ing and uploading this! Oh, and the editing and typesetting was fine. Seriously, you did a great job for your first time. If you didn't say anything in your uploader comment, I would've thought this was just a normal release done by someone who does this all the time. Good stuff!
(Also, I cry whenever I see beautiful crops damaged by pests. I know your pain, Minoriko. My first batch of crops are coming in, please keep watch. If I lose as much corn as last year I'll... be real sad)
Base +16, drustrevi +11, Nariofan101 +4, Blanny64 +6
There's something so weird about a doujin being so nonsensical and comical, yet showing rape victims genuinely fearing for their lives, knowing full well that Wriggle could kill them on a whim and they'd be powerless to stop her. What the fuck, man.