If you want to see the finish of this comic, you have to be very healthy, because you have to live minimum 10 years, so good look for everybody who want to see the end of this comic.
So... WHAT is the plot, exactly? This lady's family is loaded, and her tits are bigger than her head. If she REALLY wants to conquer the world through lust or whatever, why not just run for president? All she'd need to do is make sure to lean forward slightly while addressing her public to give the world a nice downhill view and refrain from insulting people who disagree with her, and she WILL win in a landslide victory. Once there, other world leaders will trip all over themselves to play ball with her. If her power trip isn't satiated with 4-8 years in office, maybe she could introduce an amendment to allow a THIRD or maybe even SEVERAL MORE presidential terms? I dunno, I'm just spit-balling here. I fail to see how she's going to conquer the world by getting a bunch of relics that SOMEHOW hinge on some lucky schmuck learning how to keep it in his pants.