-DESCRIPTION- (info collated from google translate) "An excellent warrior who protects the ancient capital alone." (I assume this is Kyoto) Comari's magical powers seem to revolve around paper or cloth. She carries around pieces of paper that she uses to attack with. The fabrics wrapped around her hair, wrists, and neck are all potential weapons for her. As such, enemies who fail to restrain or strip Comari completely can sometimes find themselves dying suddenly. Another weakness is that the paper disappears when used.
Comari appears in the following doujins: Majutsu Gakuto Comari vs Five Insects - /g/1298426/595a73bb52/
-CONTENTS- (all guesswork from google translate) p1-4: cover and character sheets p5-13: Excerpt from "Comari vs Insects", linked above. Comari fights a bunch of insect monsters. Red backgrounded pages are canon, which ends with her winning without much incident. p14-17: "Comari vs Insects" has a lot of alternate bad endings for Comari. These are special textless versions, you can get the normal ones via the doujin link above. Different bad endings have different colored backgrounds. p18-20: Additional color art from "Comari vs Insects." Page 20 looks similar to how Comari ends up in the last bad ending of the regular doujin. p21-27: Sketches and rough drawings for "Comari vs Insects". p28: Character intro/teaser page p29-33: "Hindu" p34-41: "Easy defeat" p42-43: "Komari chan breasts". Tentacle monster. p44-45: More tentacle monster. p46-49: Early design work on the first doujin. p50-63: Unknown sketches.