Base +7, Rfk +6, rthrfrd +6, Ethereal12 +6, omegachavez +6, maxjdjdjdjdjd -1, reverse99 +6, Eyriol +7, nsaiswatching +6, cruz737 +6, WhiteGumDrinker +6, Warlock14 +7, NeBuR1997 +6, and 18 more...
Base +8, Rfk +6, ChrisDon +6, Ethereal12 +6, reverse99 +6, WhiteGumDrinker +6, NeBuR1997 +6, N3koo +6, Plot manga pls +5, GarrodRan -6, hhjvvg +1, Venda +6, GARmama +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 04 August 2018, 16:22 by:
niceisdio Score
Base +6, Rfk +6, Ethereal12 +6, YellowYuppie +6, Rift Raft +9, Eyriol +7, tj911 +4, Ero_Otoko +8, MadMilkPT +7, znofuture +7, molten1 +8, Warlock14 +7, NeBuR1997 +6, and 27 more...
Base +2, MidrashMercury +6
Base +6, Rfk +6, Ethereal12 +6, ChrisDon +6, shrekikomori +5, molten1 +8, foxdragon009 +8, copycat920 +6, Azetheos -6, finalcomplexhead +6, hhjvvg +1, Enigma-Kal +6, Soul172 +6
Posted on 04 August 2018, 19:00 by:
Marien Score
Base +21, moemoeko +6, scyph -6, YellowYuppie +6, IncognitoMaud +6, ighdsfgjsdlh +6, Carveur +6, WhiteGumDrinker +6, molten1 +8, NeBuR1997 +6, foxdragon009 +8, survical +6, Rose Garden +10, and 3 more...
Posted on 04 August 2018, 19:33 by:
Quiji Score
Base +8, Rfk +6, Eyriol +7, johj333 +6, hhjvvg +1, DoubleOmega0 +6, Soul172 +6
Base +6, Ta7swa7shesaid6 +6, molten1 +8, NeBuR1997 +6, foxdragon009 +8, gloriousstalin +6, Crimson_King +6, oheye +9, Rose Garden +10, finalcomplexhead +6, hhjvvg +1, N3koo +6, Enigma-Kal +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 05 August 2018, 01:16 by:
reader13 Score
Base +6, Rfk +6, NeBuR1997 +6, hhjvvg +1, Soul172 +6
Posted on 05 August 2018, 03:29 by:
fonsie Score
Base +6, Rfk +6, molten1 +8, NeBuR1997 +6, Plot manga pls +5, foxdragon009 +8, Moroboshi Yuumei +7, Sporelittle +6, RadiantLore-chan +7, Teh_Red_Guy +10, Venda +6, Enigma-Kal +6, darklord1235 +9, and 1 more...
Base +15, AdmiralCrunch +6, Sporelittle +6, molten1 +8, NeBuR1997 +6, tronix11 +6, Venda +6, Enigma-Kal +6, lesbogal +6, +2
Posted on 05 August 2018, 16:18 by:
gfhj0003 Score
Base +4, Rfk +6, qwertz789 +6, copycat920 +6, RSMXZ +6, Enigma-Kal +6
Posted on 06 August 2018, 07:51 by:
KaInEvIL Score
Base +7, Rfk +6, qwertz789 +6, Crimson_King +7, hhjvvg +1, semen_demen +6, Enigma-Kal +6, Celsius-99 +6
Base +10, NeBuR1997 +6, Rfk +6, copycat920 +6, Venda +6, hhjvvg +1
Base +43, Rfk +6, Kryg +8
Base +6, NeBuR1997 +6, Plot manga pls +5, Rfk +6, copycat920 +6, hhjvvg +1
Base +6, hhjvvg +1, semen_demen +6, Rfk +6, marioman6444 +6