Posted on 14 August 2018, 08:32 by:
Noni Score
Base +34, Kuroinan +31, sigure16 +6, L.S.S -6, Pachris +3, Kendoku +3, shadowtyphoon +7, Strange Tamer +6, allenwalker39 +6, edson -12, Red of EHCOVE +57
Base +2, Shana315 +6, L.S.S +6, Pachris -3, Kendoku -3, Wilfriback +19, ebisumon -13, mister123987 -6, shadowtyphoon +7, Megaton +39, Z.G. +16, fletchlives +8, Red of EHCOVE -40, and 1 more...
Posted on 14 August 2018, 15:31 by:
Ullachon Score
Base +3, Pachris +3, Kendoku +3, Wilfriback -19, BlueSmoke -6, ebisumon +13, mister123987 -6, shadowtyphoon -7, Megaton +39, Strange Tamer +6, StillWind -27, myaccount05 -6, czrs +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 03 February 2019, 04:30 by:
ranwolf Score
Base +7, fletchlives -8, NewUser75834 -7