Posted on 05 June 2017, 04:01 by:
Canilash Score
Base +7, hit( +6, Iroald +6, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, Imsolo +6, Silentsuffering +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, crazyjimmyDUDE +4, rayvune +6, hydotazura +7, SatalinLoveJr +6, noooo_oo_oo +10, and 18 more...
Base +6, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, 97323967 +5, hydotazura +7, SatalinLoveJr +6, rooldeewurldman +4, blabbo +6
Posted on 05 June 2017, 12:05 by:
ssj782 Score
Base +6, hit( +6, Iroald +6, Dark Gale +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +2, tarnaw +7, Vikura +6, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, freyjadour25 +12, Silentsuffering +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, crazyjimmyDUDE +4, and 20 more...
Posted on 07 June 2017, 17:39 by:
Jon89 Score
Base +6, Iroald +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +2, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, crazyjimmyDUDE +4, SatalinLoveJr +6, rooldeewurldman +4, Bittersweetness +6, HuffmanEightyNine +6
Base +7, spuget +7, MLP-TOMBSTONE +2, Iroald +6, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, J0J0nnes +5, DrJackDaniels69 +6, Toutspectre +6, SatalinLoveJr +6, blind crow +6, RaizelX +7
Base +8, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, rooldeewurldman +4, blind crow +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +12, Banatine +7, Iroald +6, buraeokjam +3, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, SatalinLoveJr +6, boil water +3
Posted on 01 July 2017, 16:44 by:
Reboot Score
Base +7, Lostalgia +6, srg09 +10, Ocana +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, vjm3 +6, Vonsta +4, armandoimagenes +7, SatalinLoveJr +6, Sempai77 +3, TigerB +6
Base +8, spuget +7, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, blind crow +6, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 27 July 2017, 06:45 by:
Monukuk Score
Base +6, grif1RAYO -6, inser_name_here92 +6, Lostalgia +6, Almighty19 +6, Ocana +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, Sturmjager +11, blind crow +6, Gambit275 +5
Last edited on 12 August 2017, 01:53.
Base +6, Lostalgia +6, Almighty19 +6, Ocana +6, Azrubel +8, freyjadour25 +12, fag1234 +6, Silentsuffering +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, gaging0 +9, speedingAndroid +8, jmasterchain +9, tomato86 +11, and 6 more...
Last edited on 12 March 2018, 01:46.
Base +7, Lostalgia +6, Ocana +6, rayvune +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, jmasterchain +9, blind crow +6
Base +3, postalman +6, inser_name_here92 +6, Lethis +6, Iroald +6, arnepower +6, runnerman +6, Lostalgia +6, Sweet_Dreams +11, Runeless +6, IaY -9, Ocana +6, fag1234 -6, and 10 more...
Posted on 17 August 2017, 02:56 by:
tipop Score
Base +6, Iroald +6, Oddone16 +3, Lostalgia +6, pokey1 +6, EpsilonMirror +6, Lahha +6, IaY +9, Ocana +6, Lolzu +6, freyjadour25 +12, SingleMalt +15, fag1234 +6, and 19 more...
Base +3, Runeless +6, Ocana +6, Silentsuffering +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, Gambit275 +5, jackripper026 +9, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 08 September 2017, 01:44 by:
Alurker Score
Base +6, Almighty19 +6, Ocana +6, tomato86 +11, J0J0nnes +5, DrJackDaniels69 +6, speedingAndroid +8, jmasterchain +9, Gambit275 +5
Base +12, inser_name_here92 +6, geemer +6, Almighty19 +6, DrJackDaniels69 +6, jmasterchain +9, Dickgina +1, blind crow +6, Gambit275 +5
Posted on 03 October 2017, 17:33 by:
Hugh33337 Score
Base +6, J0J0nnes +5, DrJackDaniels69 +6, chero666 +6, jmasterchain +9, blind crow +6, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +4, J0J0nnes +5, jmasterchain +9, blind crow +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 04 October 2017, 14:00 by:
Arjay Score
Base +6, Almighty19 +6, ShadowOfAshura +8, DrJackDaniels69 +6, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +6, Almighty19 +6, inser_name_here92 +6, lucasbritos +7, Iroald +6, Imsolo +6, Vonsta +4, jmasterchain +9, Dickgina +1, blind crow +6, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 14 October 2017, 05:29 by:
Umbaste Score
Base +12, Iroald +6, inser_name_here92 +6, Vonsta +4, jmasterchain +9, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 14 October 2017, 11:42 by:
iiLunar Score
Last edited on 19 June 2018, 11:36.
Base +6, stealth42blade +7, Iroald +6, jmasterchain +9, Froogo +7, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +6, Iroald +6, Froogo +7, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 28 October 2017, 21:08 by:
Bigrig73 Score
Base +8, Iroald +6, DBlanc +6, rayvune +6, crossgrey +8, Sturmjager +11, Vonsta +4, Froogo +7, blind crow +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27, tudjin +6
Base +6, magico alverman +13, Vonsta +4, Jinking123 -5, blind crow +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 03 January 2018, 00:08 by:
hoigoigoi Score
Base +15, magico alverman +13, Vonsta +4, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +2, Personas +9, J0J0nnes +5, dmgovrtym +5, Froogo +7, blind crow +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +4, inser_name_here92 +6, spuget +7, dmgovrtym +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +6, dmgovrtym +5, DarkDZ +5, physxman +6, Sempai77 +3, draconispax +9, IndistinctCredence +6, blind crow +6, tobeunforgiven2 +23
Base +8, dmgovrtym +5, Necrossky +6, PsychoKingJP +4, DarkDZ +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Last edited on 31 July 2018, 19:55.
Base +7, Seviper4 +7, gogogodzilla +8, blind crow +6, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +7, victorpofa +12, Gambit275 +5, Moonlight Rambler +21, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +8, victorpofa +12, gogogodzilla +8, Froogo +7, blind crow +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 26 December 2018, 23:55 by:
DonCapo Score
Base +6, deprave1 +4, Crow_PD +6, blind crow +6, Moonlight Rambler +21, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +8, GerhardGerhard +6, demonking7 +6, TigerB +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +4, Yoni Diamond +8, Froogo +7, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +6, Almighty19 +6, magico alverman +14, V972 +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +7, Froogo +7, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +9, Yoni Diamond +8, Qwertius +4, tobeunforgiven2 +25
Base +7, RaizelX +7, jere512 +6, Yoni Diamond +8, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 29 June 2020, 04:05 by:
Reach Score
Base +6, jv1983 +6, TigerB +6, IaY +10, speedingAndroid +8, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 28 August 2020, 10:00 by:
DeronRav Score
Base +7, valkyrur7 +5, Rex_Xx +4, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 14 December 2020, 23:35 by:
l4chuga Score
Base +7, TigerB +6, starb11 +6, valkyrur7 +5, The_RoXzor +8, speedingAndroid +8, deprave1 +6, Gambit275 +5, IaY +10, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +7, The_RoXzor +8, valkyrur7 +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +6, valkyrur7 +6, thtiger +6, Almighty19 +6, Seratonine +6, Gambit275 +5, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +13, Gabs999 +6, TigerB +6, korbaton +7, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 02 January 2022, 19:02 by:
Chojiin Score
Base +6, inser_name_here92 +6, valkyrur7 +6, Almighty19 +6, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +24, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Base +8, tobeunforgiven2 +27
Posted on 24 November 2022, 03:37 by:
Daneasaur Score
Base +6
Posted on 14 September 2023, 06:34 by:
l4chuga Score
Base +7, blazenwhiper +8, tobeunforgiven2 +27