this series is on-going on my patreon If you like my artwork, please consider supporting me --- ---
ATTENTION: if you like this story, PLEASE support the original author >> her twitter is right here --- --- please please buy her original work, it is much better.
ATTENTION 2: this is NOT a direct translate and rework of the original. PLOTS and DRAWINGS have been changed in my vision. so yes, it is abit different from the original work.
ATTENTION 3: yes...i have a permission to work on K-Vice from milda7 herself.
ATTENTION 4: Color version available on my Patreon *wink. half-colored are on Deviantart :D
This is a remake of a remake an old story The original work has different outcome and has a cop chasing the guy after he robs a bank or store he has a bag of cash. after the change the women kicks the new woman out of the salon and grabs the cash as payment. the cop outside still looking fore the guy flirts with the new woman.