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(Nabriales The Majestic)The Beauty of Terra Save (FULL VER.)

Posted:2018-08-16 16:32
File Size:188.5 MiB
Length:36 pages
Favorited:335 times
Average: 4.45

Showing 1 - 36 of 36 images

Posted on 17 August 2018, 00:11 by:   qogod    PM
Score +105
Damn...he was actually charging money for this?! 35 pages...
Posted on 17 August 2018, 00:36 by:   alumar    PM
Score -100
@qogod hey asshole, ever heard of Patreon? In that platform people CHOOSE who they wish to support FREELY, so if people find a liking to an artist's works they're in their full right to start supporting him, so he's not "charging" anyone for anything, people have CHOSEN to support him to create content, so you can take your hate and shove it right up your cheap ass.
Posted on 03 September 2018, 23:52 by:   qogod    PM
Score +36
@alumar Technically he is charging people, because for it to be on patreon is to be behind a paywall, unless the person himself allows his works to be public which he hasn't. Oh wait, your definitely the made a post on your patreon the same day and you also use random caps in your sentences. If I were you, I wouldn't make 12 page cockblocks and then post it on porn sites for advertisement, but create art for "free" and the for "patreon exclusive" because all I see is that supporting you doesn't get me much in terms of content. I just see the obnoxious FOR MORE: PATREON-ONLY at the end of your 12 page comic.
Posted on 11 September 2018, 03:11 by:   alumar    PM
Score -64
@qogod Huh? I've been on e-hentai like WAAAAY before he even showed up..... I'm one of his supporters though and I informed him of the recent activity here regarding his works, that's why he made that post that day. Anyways I find funny that this guy: [email protected] who is the one who shared these Patreon exclusive works for free surely must have thought that he was doing people a favor by doing so, yet by comments such as yours and some others on this author's works here on e-hentai, one can clearly see that most people just hates them for one reason or another (like saying that the kid isn't "cute looking" and therefore he's not a kid.........). Also the great thing about Patreon is that no one forces you to do anything, if you like someone's work you go ahead and support him/them and you can quit doing so anytime you want, wich is exactly what I'm doing with Nab, support him so he can keep bringing more and more material, meanwhile you cheap clowns can keep complaining all you want on content that was not meant for you in the first place.
Posted on 13 September 2018, 16:03 by:   qogod    PM
Score -30
@alumar That's great man! I think one of the biggest advice you can get in regards to complaining about, people complaining about hentai, is that supporting or even contributing to this industry is just asking for complaints to be made on you. Being in the porn/hentai industry makes you a pervert in the eyes of normal workers, so I would imagine you would be prepared for complaints, but hey if it's your passion then just go full force 100% ahead most of the time. I also think that to even get complaints, is also a sign that people are being active towards you - or author, as you are saying that you are not him. You should probably take into consideration of the complaints, think of ways on how to improve and then just move on.

You mentioned 'Patreon Exclusive' but there are no works that are not 'Patreon Exclusive' by this author, and moreover, advertising 'Patreon Exclusives' on e-hentai or any other site is just begging for your works to be uploaded without consent. Just take any popular hentai author, check their sites out and see that even they are putting up their doujins for sale but that doesn't stop us big perverts from buying one copy and giving it to everyone else.

Hope you have a good day. Personally, I like the disfigured shota, it hits my fetish of the toad wanting to eat swan meat.
Posted on 17 October 2018, 08:48 by:   alumar    PM
Score -56
@qogod So you're just a hater of this artist or are just trolling? Because saying something like he has no other works except for the "Patreon exclusives" is pure nonsense and clearly shows you're just full of shit. What's this then?: /g/1211092/e620353410/
And what about the over 200 pics he has uploaded on his Pixiv? There's plenty more that are only found on his Deviantart gallery that are non-sexual. All of those free to the general public, so yeah, you're full of shit all right.
Posted on 10 May 2019, 12:57 by:   PunkNS    PM
Score +6
Anyone known where i can find the other comics in full ver ? I would gladly pay for it but i can't use patreon on my country as they won't accept our currency
Posted on 08 July 2019, 23:28 by:   ImBadMan_1111    PM
Score +1
@PunkNS Where do you live bro ?
Posted on 17 October 2020, 22:04 by:   Tunahan COSKUN    PM
Score +6
thank you more please

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