Base +7, AuthlimOfXvim +6, 1Nkr +5, ravenstag +6, Dawnell_do +1, TheBettyMonster +6, yakuri +6, Murra +7, SirPiccio -5, 1mrgame3 +6, PokeTFFan +5, 40421 +5, dishcmds +6, and 29 more...
Posted on 20 May 2017, 14:18 by:
moogabe Score
Base +6, Uninteresting +6, 1Nkr +5, tjlazer +6, weatherreport +6, Millennial +7, GerhardGerhard +6, ravenstag +6, dishcmds +6, Dawnell_do +1, Kosmonaut +6, Jose-95 +6, yakuri +6, and 79 more...
Base +6, tjlazer +6, 4yyLm40 +4, FappingToTheBeat +3, achnee42 +6, ravenstag +6, crap128 +6, dishcmds +6, Dawnell_do +1, Kosmonaut +6, Jose-95 -6, morphdwarf +6, NaixTheLS +4, and 79 more...
Base +5, Gordan1937 +5, Dawnell_do +1, AuthlimOfXvim +6, tissnowing +6, NaixTheLS +4, sen_11 +5, Dr. Sloth +6, ready987 +5, Mr. Xecret +6, pro9 +6, 40421 +5, pfefferminz +6, and 28 more...
Posted on 20 May 2017, 20:20 by:
ZSe-chan Score
Base +8, ravenstag +6, Dawnell_do +1, Kosmonaut +6, kikimaru024 +17, Wolvien +6, morphdwarf +6, NaixTheLS +4, dishcmds +6, Millennial +7, ready987 +5, Murra +7, ItsNotGayIfItsFurry +4, and 32 more...
Base +6, images +5, morphdwarf +6, Dr. Sloth +6, Yngvi +6, dishcmds +6, ravenstag +6, anonkun123456 -4, stickypickle +2, demooos +6, Ost666 +6, 1mrgame3 +6, Noxmare +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 23 May 2017, 08:09 by:
jimbo21 Score
Base +7, Wolvien +6, Dawnell_do +1, Shade23 +3, PokeTFFan +5, Stellar Eclipse +8, ravenstag +6, anonkun123456 +4, ThirdEye +6, stickypickle +2, Ost666 +6, yakuri +6, plopl +10, and 34 more...
Base +6, Shade23 +3, Mr. Xecret +6, Dawnell_do +1, ravenstag +6, anonkun123456 +4, ThirdEye +6, Yeshua16 +1, Ost666 +6, 征服者 +7, Wolf15 +5, vocabulary -6, pokefan_miguel +8, and 7 more...
Posted on 31 May 2017, 03:46 by:
FieryBox Score
Base +6, Beyond Imagination +6, Mr. Xecret +6, Savvasp +5, UraraIT +5, ThirdEye +6, Zolnerowich +7, Ost666 +6, 征服者 +7, mdr33flame +6, bLIEv +6, vocabulary -6, Cato T. Elder +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 14 June 2017, 08:10 by:
JoeOd Score
Base +6, UraraIT +5, Dawnell_do +1, zmackay +3, ravenstag +6, Scarron +6, anonkun123456 +4, 征服者 +7, vocabulary -6, underkill +6, 3rdDeadAlive -6, 咬扎自尽 +1, tadpolegaming +2, and 1 more...
Posted on 26 June 2017, 07:52 by:
saiox Score
Base +6, lucas246 +8, Mr. Xecret +6, Beyond Imagination +6, IaY +8, Scarron +6, UraraIT +5, starmega +6, anonkun123456 +4, Millennial +7, AuthlimOfXvim +6, ravenstag +6, zmackay +3, and 53 more...
Base +6, ravenstag +6, ThirdEye +6, morphdwarf +6, 征服者 +7, Mr. Xecret +6, vocabulary -6, howidraw +4, 3rdDeadAlive -6, Infamous Ether +6, TurboRhythmic +6, tadpolegaming +2, Litcher King +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 14 July 2017, 11:37 by:
crusiare Score
Base +6, Scarron +6, morphdwarf +6, 征服者 +7, Lysabild +6, Cr3am +3, fnordwibble +6, Guillotine Gorilla +6, Interagi +5, Shpoony +6, ashitakasan +13, thenakedshark +6, Reeco +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 18 July 2017, 20:58 by:
aucerumo Score
Base +15, 征服者 +7, ravenstag +6, Gordan1937 +5, morphdwarf +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +3, Billaxle +6, StAraqiel +6, banana33 +6, tadpolegaming +2, 王阿鲁 +3
Posted on 25 July 2017, 14:14 by:
klaidon Score
Base +6, ravenstag +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +3, ThirdEye +6, Roubat +6, Ost666 +6, gongon12 +6, tadpolegaming +2, isno +6, ramdime +1
Posted on 25 July 2017, 16:50 by:
micn Score
Base +6, ravenstag +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +3, 34t5672837654632 +6, gongon12 +6, Vainfire +2, tadpolegaming +2, isno +6, F-O-X +7, 王阿鲁 +3
Posted on 31 July 2017, 09:22 by:
Base +7, dansk -6, TommyXe +6, Wolvien +6, seoseji +3, ravenstag +6, HyugaTepez +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +3, smileyrat +6, Cr3am +3, Ost666 +6, The Pacifist +14, HuskyKara +6, and 10 more...
Base +6, seoseji +3, ravenstag +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +3, smileyrat +6, ScarletBlade +7, Dawnell_do +1, 3rdDeadAlive -6, tjlazer +6, tadpolegaming +2
Posted on 02 September 2017, 07:11 by:
Michael P Score
Base +6, heeb +6, apopcan +10, ravenstag +6, DarkToolss +6, Walter Calton +6, Jacknife10101 +6, The Pacifist +14, images +6, Planetary +6, th0usandeye +6, H3X0 +14, jumflargin +7, and 24 more...
Base +6, Walter Calton +6, Beyond Imagination +6, Vyrming +6, ravenstag +6, Ost666 +6, somercet +6, Billaxle +6, TheBettyMonster +6, LouisVelox +6, 3rdDeadAlive -6, AshLockke +6, WhoBeMe +5, and 3 more...
Base +7, ravenstag +6, Ost666 +6, H3X0 +14, vekoro +6, Zedon0007 +7, tteran +6, WhoBeMe +4, pyrowolfjhr +6, 34t5672837654632 +6, tadpolegaming +2, F-O-X +7, 王阿鲁 +3, and 3 more...
Base +6, 40421 +5, ravenstag +6, Beyond Imagination +6, rawrimabear +6, colaureliano +6, JabbaHat +6, 3rdDeadAlive -6, tadpolegaming +2, somercet +8
Base +6, Beyond Imagination +6, ravenstag +6, lost-in-thought +6, shyone111 +6, somercet +6, jjobs +6, nopenosorry +6, Kirasama +6, Terabureika +6, yiods +4, 3rdDeadAlive -6, Anonimuel +9, and 7 more...
Posted on 22 October 2017, 01:12 by:
Shota Cat Score
Base +6, Zedon0007 +7, ravenstag +6, stabbybelkar +7, pyrowolfjhr +6, teddielolnada +6, yiods +4, Harvest13 +5, tadpolegaming +2, F-O-X +7, 王阿鲁 +3, somercet +8
Posted on 24 October 2017, 23:30 by:
cuis90 Score
Base +5, niganiga +6, Harvest13 +5, colaureliano +6, ravenstag +6, tenebris69 +4, TheBettyMonster +6, rawrimabear +6, JabbaHat +6, Terabureika +6, yiods +4, 3rdDeadAlive -6, 34t5672837654632 +6, and 5 more...
Base +64, shrö +6, Giovannihur +6, EvilScotsman12 +13, stabbybelkar +7, colaureliano +6, pyrowolfjhr +6, apopcan +10, randomChar +6, Jacknife10101 +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, yiods +4, Harvest13 +5, and 21 more...
Base +1, nopenosorry +6, yiods -4, Harvest13 +5, Dustubuni +6, Beyond Imagination -6, ravenstag +6, IaY +9, FurryLover7887 +2, Watcherlist +6, chalalalee +6, Akaerna +6, D0nBlubber +8, and 12 more...
Posted on 01 December 2017, 02:26 by:
Vodhr Score
Base +6, chinda -8, FurryLover7887 +2, chalalalee +6, Edible Strange +6, yankeeboy27 +6, Muchachatte +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, TheSuperBiGuy +3, IaY +9, Teramol +9, Terabureika +6, ravenstag +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 11 December 2017, 17:48 by:
YuJay Score
Base +6, desiresanonymity +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, Terabureika +6, The_Shadow +6, 3rdDeadAlive -6, onigirichan +6, TheBettyMonster +6, venfare +9, WhoBeMe +5, tadpolegaming +2, F-O-X +7, somercet +8
Posted on 14 December 2017, 03:39 by:
Jackdirt Score
Base +7, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, heeb +6, morphdwarf +6, Murra +7, 3rdDeadAlive -6, Yossen +2, tokendood +11, tadpolegaming +2
Base +6, ravenstag +6, mattao +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, Terabureika +6, Harvest13 +5, Serevuin +8, ScarletBlade +7, 3rdDeadAlive -6, onigirichan +6, WhoBeMe +5, tadpolegaming +2, 王阿鲁 +3, and 1 more...
Base +6, ravenstag +6, cube.sama +6, colaureliano +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, Scarron +6, 3rdDeadAlive -6, HuskyKara +6
Base +6, StAraqiel +6, ravenstag +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, Scarron +6, IaY +9, 3rdDeadAlive -6, HuskyKara +6, tadpolegaming +2, somercet +8
Base +6, StAraqiel +6, ravenstag +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, Scarron +6, IaY +9, 3rdDeadAlive -6, onigirichan +6, HuskyKara +6, WhoBeMe +5, Luca30024 +6, F-O-X +7, 王阿鲁 +3, and 1 more...
Base +7, The_Shadow +6, ravenstag +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, Scarron +6, IaY +9, Murra +7, rum_bear +6, onigirichan +6, HuskyKara +6, TheBettyMonster +6, WhoBeMe +5, Luca30024 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 16 January 2018, 15:00 by:
qW1eR2tY3 Score
Base +7, ravenstag +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +4, 3rdDeadAlive -6, TheSuperBiGuy +3, onigirichan +6, HuskyKara +6, NoHentaiNoLife +8, Luca30024 +6, 王阿鲁 +3, Qwertius +7, foot1811659 +6
Base +7, ravenstag +6, The_Shadow +6, HuskyKara +6, kvlar +6, Murra +7, 34t5672837654632 +6, WhoBeMe +5, Luca30024 +6, J0J0nnes +6, Interagi +6, zgegzgeg +6, tadpolegaming +2, and 8 more...
Base +6, TheBettyMonster +6, ravenstag +6, Harvest13 +5, mdr33flame +6, thec4sniper +6, Luca30024 +6, Interagi +6, tadpolegaming +2, F-O-X +7, ThirdEye +6, 王阿鲁 +3, somercet +8, and 1 more...
Base +6, ravenstag +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +5, nopenosorry +6, IaY +10, thec4sniper +6, Murra +7, Luca30024 +6, Interagi +6, WhoBeMe +5, Roubat +6, tadpolegaming +2, 王阿鲁 +3, and 1 more...
Base +11, Vesperia3 +5, onigirichan +6, mdr33flame +6, Murra +7, Luca30024 +6, Vexxo +5, WhoBeMe +5
Base +6, Serevuin +8, MachinaWeapon +10, greenking13 +6, Scarron +6, mdr33flame +6, rawrimabear +6, zmackay +5, Beyond Imagination +6, cinco5 +6, MLP-TOMBSTONE +5, tadpolegaming +2, ZaShad +6, and 8 more...
Last edited on 26 June 2018, 13:43.
Base +17, darsh99 +13, tadpolegaming +2, Anybdy +7, F-O-X +7, kikimaru024 +18, Xcizer +5, 王阿鲁 +3, Cirnyan +6, Qwertius +7
Base +8, morphdwarf +6, kikimaru024 +18, stabbybelkar +7, Lapbunny +6, BlankStar +6, luoshui +6, WhoBeMe +5, cookiegetter +6, Xcizer +5, 王阿鲁 +3
Base +6, Lapbunny +6, BlankStar +6, orezz +6, CxHxA +6, F-O-X +7, WhoBeMe +5, kikimaru024 +18, cookiegetter +6, NSMEY +3, somercet +8
Posted on 01 August 2018, 09:02 by:
all41 Score
Base +7, rawrimabear +6, Greynight +7, banana33 +6, shrö +6, Yossen +4, QnecroV +6, isno +6, kikimaru024 +18, bananaguy93 +3, cookiegetter +6, newbies +6, Xcizer +5, and 8 more...
Posted on 02 August 2018, 03:05 by:
God Revan Score
Base +10, mdr33flame +6, Xcizer -5, tadpolegaming +3
Posted on 10 August 2018, 20:31 by:
Smithxxx Score
Base +8, MESIASdaRocket +6
Posted on 20 August 2018, 07:45 by:
God Revan Score
Base +10, MESIASdaRocket +6
Base +8, kikimaru024 +18, MESIASdaRocket +6, Cirnyan +6, foot1811659 +6
Posted on 23 September 2018, 07:38 by:
ugay1 Score
Base +7