Posted on 23 August 2018, 09:02 by:
Bactinus Score
Base +6, somercet +9
Posted on 23 August 2018, 09:04 by:
Eich Gent Score
Base +2, Knoloa -8, arms98 +7, Akres -7, HikariNiwa -6, foolonthehill -6, Scoobydoobydoo -6, WisteriaBerlitz -6, Syerathe -13, z3r0d34d64 -6, Beyond Imagination +6, 1529op -7, Jozav123 -6, and 9 more...
Posted on 23 August 2018, 09:08 by:
Nyxtani Score
Base +6, sangaz +6, TheLonliestMonk +6, yooooo.zyf +6, thecronosone +6, Lololotex +6, John Doe 1 +6, rawrdood +7, VicRattlehead27 +6, The Red Threat +11, Baka_Ouji +7, level27 +8, user57 +12, and 7 more...
Base +6, rawrdood +7, derpfap123 -8, HabaneroJim +13, eternalDaoFang +2, CritiicalMass +6, UWin -11, Lomped -6
Posted on 23 August 2018, 16:38 by:
svines85 Score
Base +42, Lololotex +6, John Doe 1 +6, rawrdood +7, Limited +8, rednerune -7
Base +7, Lololotex +6, gaging0 +9, rawrdood +7, kikimaru024 +18, The Red Threat +11, kishudark +6, hakatri01 +11, sexypanda1608 +6, derpfap123 -8, HabaneroJim +13, Ikix +4, user57 +12, and 19 more...
Base +6, Rglass +6, The Red Threat +11, solorbeam10 +6
Base +6, The Red Threat +11, SteelHalberd +2
Base +6, SteelHalberd +2, The Red Threat +12, DahSpanker -6, Kirasama +6, UWin -11, Summergraffiti +8
Last edited on 20 February 2021, 16:51.
Base +43, kishudark +6, fffff +6, HabaneroJim +13, komari +6, McNasty +6, somercet +9, AGoodTime +8, caveman84 +6
Base +7, Bane13 +53, AGoodTime +8, Wubsvik +6, qW1eR2tY3 +10, ayny +5, nikos3194 +6
Posted on 23 September 2024, 19:33 by:
Pornocles Score
Base +7