Posted on 29 August 2018, 10:42 by:
Januz Base +6, a35240 +8, juu-chan +10, FlatulenceFactory +6, kamisking +6, Imsolo +6, DarkFire493 +6, Romi the Byzantine -7, loshi1505 -7, Chaos Zodiark +6, Lostalgia +8, Draw99Gray +17, Remeark +5, and 36 more...
Posted on 26 July 2018, 14:30 by:
nonus Score
Base +7, morphdwarf +6, Lostalgia +8, otakuman486 +9, sir_gamer +6, FinalFight +6, incogna777 +5, Hugh Jarse +6, RogueEli +6, KazeZeroL -5, GA3N +9, Doutey +9, strange_intrests +3, and 3 more...
Last edited on 27 July 2018, 08:23.
Base +9, clawing -6, Higufuuindo -7, Lostalgia -8, MrrZBotZ -1, bakasora -11, Remeark -5, DaftBehemoth +6, Omnicent -6, shrurur -6, CantThinkOfaName. +6, incogna777 +5, Senorfluffy -6, and 11 more...
Base +6, DaiZerker +8, KazeZeroL -5, dawatched +7, ScrawnyJohny +6
Posted on 18 August 2018, 13:58 by:
Ardrakal Score
Base +5, KazeZeroL -5
Posted on 29 August 2018, 13:40 by:
Huoratron Score
Base +20, mnbvcxz11 +6, Cadavrus +6, Imsolo +6, jacketed +6, k_2553472 +4, ClawManV3 +6, jsnormandy +8, sir_gamer +6, ScrawnyJohny +6, CalmC +12, JumpingJellybeans +6, phenomenalrainmaker +5, and 3 more...
Base +6, Animefan268 -6, Beyond Imagination -6, Marisa Kirisame -7, incogna777 -5, kamisking -6, Alpha Centari -5, Wilfriback -19, jessica702 -10, Nage2 -5, demonwolf19 -6, OxRad-1 -4, Higufuuindo -7, and 3 more...
Posted on 29 August 2018, 16:01 by:
H0R0 Score
Base +8, jacketed +6, jsnormandy +8, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, tudjin +6, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 29 August 2018, 16:09 by:
sjin1ne Score
Base +6, Marisa Kirisame +7, kamisking +6, Alpha Centari +5, Wilfriback +19, Nelath +6, Imsolo +6, jacketed +6, Nausea +7, Hugh Jarse +6, Doutey +9, sir_gamer +6, scrappy135 +7, and 4 more...
Base +6, Imsolo +6, jacketed +6, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 29 August 2018, 23:09 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +6, Imsolo +6, jacketed +6, ClawManV3 +6, jsnormandy +8, ScrawnyJohny +6, Hugh Jarse +6
Base +6, ghost_of_sanakan +7, jacketed +6, jsnormandy +8, ScrawnyJohny +6, Syerathe +13, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, Hugh Jarse +6
Base +7, Imsolo +6, jacketed +6, jsnormandy +8, ScrawnyJohny +6, Hugh Jarse +6
Base +6, 01Anon +6, juonryu +6, tudjin +6, Hugh Jarse +6