Base +10, genyatus -7, L0wk3y -7, Arara_project -6, Orengestar +7, Kight -13, fortis228 -7, ffcckkuu -6, Anonimus07 -21, Guardsman40k -6, Riyu1940 +8, arashishippu -8, domezome -5, and 6 more...
Base +7, fortis228 +7, MACZ2021 +6
Base +7, Orengestar -7, qweerti +6, fortis228 +7, MACZ2021 +6, Arlinath +6, trogdorrunner +6, Lostalgia +8, sunshineandlolipops +15, IncognitoMaud +6, CCRLH85 +6, Laharl_EAC +10, madestapod666 +8, and 5 more...
Posted on 26 July 2018, 03:46 by:
夏目AZUSA Score
Base +4, MACZ2021 +6, nonenamed +6, jerry.xu1999 +3, qwerdssa +8
Base +6, Arlinath +6, HabaneroJim +13, Illuminati81 +6
Base +6, Kruploy +6, mimoman +7, madestapod666 +8, Illuminati81 +6
Posted on 22 August 2018, 03:03 by:
perfect34 Score
Base +6, patokite91 +9
Posted on 25 August 2018, 23:48 by:
dishcmds Score
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops +15, 321Z3R0 +7, mimoman +7, fortis228 +7, madestapod666 +8, Mr.Baum +5, Illuminati81 +6
Base +7, sunshineandlolipops +15
Base +6, Illuminati81 +6, MikkyFadde +6