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[Sortimid] Who Will Be the Bimboest?

Posted:2018-09-09 20:33
File Size:53.38 MiB
Length:42 pages
Favorited:525 times
Average: 3.80

Showing 1 - 40 of 42 images

Posted on 09 September 2018, 20:33 by:   emerald99999    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 24 June 2018, 01:53 by:   Nystic    PM
Score +37
I did not expect those feels from page 25.
Posted on 24 June 2018, 19:16 by:   Schramm_13    PM
Score +46
needs more nude
Posted on 16 July 2018, 17:40 by:   Sylvrwolflol    PM
Score +16
The figures look oddly cubist. A unique art style, but not exactly something I’d fap to.
Posted on 19 July 2018, 08:22 by:   Gleonomis2    PM
Score -6
Is the artist retarded ? On page 38 the game goes as " You control the others player chair" so since the one who came was David that means that James choose the cum option and David choose the tease option doesn't this make David the winner? Wtf man he forgot his own rules
Posted on 19 July 2018, 08:45 by:   emerald99999    PM
Score +9
@Gleonimis2 Nope, David chose Cum, while James chose Tease, since she was paranoid. Teasing David was enough to make her cum, while James probably came too, but was not show on camera. Since James teased, she won.
Posted on 19 July 2018, 08:57 by:   Havel The Rock    PM
Score +5
I want to kill myself now. THanks
Posted on 19 July 2018, 11:34 by:   Tess Verres    PM
Score +15
@emerald99999: Or it's more likely the artist forgot the rules. What you're saying is so convoluted and requires that we have no knowledge of James's situation. However, we do as we can see on 39, David was highly stimulated in the last panel, but James wasn't. If David really chose cum, then James would have been feeling it at the same time. What happened here is the results are backwards.

We can proof check this by putting it in reverse. If they controlled their own chair and they chose the same options, it should make sense. David chose cum; James chose tease. David cums, James doesn't. So I'm pretty sure the artist fucked up. Granted, the way this thing has been going I wouldn't be surprised if what you said was true considering how many times things got rushed and details/info were left out.
Posted on 19 July 2018, 18:45 by:   Avenger2099    PM
Score +12
It's the Prisoner's Dilemma man, just straight up. Also I think this is getting "played" by actual people? Like, the artist is in contact with the players and then drawing the choices. So the way the Prisoner's Dilemma works isn't that convoluted, basically two prisoners are given three options, either one betrays the other, the one who gets betrayed goes to jail for three years, the one who betrayed goes free. If both stay silent then they both get only one year. If both betray then they both get two years. It's a pretty classic thought experiment.
Posted on 19 July 2018, 20:50 by:   Alec Bluu    PM
Score +10
Well now it's just getting depressing, Thanks for turning something that should have been fun into trash.
Posted on 22 July 2018, 06:18 by:   JazzC    PM
Score +3
Ehh, can't be mad at the final result. Dani was the first one to betray another's trust - four others in fact.Jenni didn't lie to anybody but caused mischief twice.Jenni was also hit with the ditzy upgrade.
Posted on 22 July 2018, 15:56 by:   Tess Verres    PM
Score +8
The Prisoner's Dilemma is what they were going for, but the results got fucked up; or rather how they explained it. Look, let's put it this way. James chose Tease, so why did Danny cum? Danny chose cum so why didn't James cum? If we apply the Prisoner's Dilemma into it, we can plug in certain values.

Tease: Rat out other person, Cum: Don't say anything. Both people Cum: Both of them win, and don't get sent to prison. Both people Tease: Both of them lose, and both get sent to prison. One person Cums and the other Teases: Person who chose Tease doesn't get to prison, but the person who chose Cum does.

So now with the terms established, we can look over it more. Danny is currently cumming, whereas James doesn't at all so that tells us the following information: James chose Cum, and Danny chose Tease. However, James is the winner, even though the rules show that the one who chose Tease would be the winner. Therefore, Danny should have won, but instead he lost. This shows a paradox of the rules and can be explained by the terms being either applied wrong, or to THEMSELVES. Danny explains if he had chosen Tease, (where James already had) they would have both lost everything. This follows the Prisoner's Dilemma terms that I've set above with Tease being ratting out.

Moving forward, James won and with Danny saying if he chose Tease as well they'd both lose, that would imply that James actually chose Tease and Danny chose Cum. With Danny choosing Cum, James should have cum. James chose Tease, so Danny should have NOT cum. James would still be the winner. If it was the opposite, where Danny chose Tease and James chose Cum, Danny would have cum and James would not. In this scenario Danny would have won.

So the issue isn't the Prisoner's Dilemma and people not getting it; it's the writing, because it was applied wrong. The issue is the depicted result and who the winner is. The person who came (Danny) lost, even though the rules on page 37 state the following: "Each controls the other's chair!" and "If one chooses 'Tease' and the other picks 'Cum', the 'Tease' player wins!".

So with all of this said, the artist fucked up and made the wrong person cum. That is the short of it.
Posted on 22 July 2018, 19:47 by:   DannielJ    PM
Score +14
I think he just messed up the dialogue in panel 39, if you replace both instances of tease with cum, it makes sense and the correct winner is indeed Jenni but either way, yes, the artist did screw up pretty bad and should have triple checked what he wrote or removed the page and corrected his mistakes.
Posted on 26 July 2018, 00:19 by:   Timpani    PM
Score +47
Is only game, why you heff to be mad?
Posted on 02 August 2018, 16:02 by:   Sylvrwolflol    PM
Score +3
I vant to hyug you, like big, fuzzy Siberian bimbo!
Posted on 02 September 2020, 13:16 by:   sortimid    PM
Score +6
Huh. I see what you mean.

The choice is meant to be between cumming yourself or teasing your opponent, not between teasing your opponent or making them cum. With Cum, you're choosing to give up your control over their chair and just enjoy yourself. The idea is that if both players let go, they both Cum, otherwise the teaser remains in control and wins. You'll notice that on page 3 the host says "if both players choose /to/ cum".

So no, I didn't forget my own rules but I can see how they could be confusing. In my defense, I had a ton of information to convey within a single panel. Sorry if it ruined your enjoyment of the story.

EDIT: Also, this originally ran as a live interactive project spanning Patreon, deviantArt, Discord and also tumblr. The pages themselves are only part of the story. If it feels like information is missing, that's because it is. I should probably compile a "definitive" edition at some point, but the art is really dated and I can barely look at it nowadays.

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