Posted on 17 October 2018, 02:18 by:
Direskys Score
Base +6, LoneHero33 +8, nighttorch +6, oneiwonder +7, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, S@LT33 +4, GravityQueen +6, okmonger +3
Posted on 17 October 2018, 02:25 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, SuperGenericAnon +7, SexualPancakes +4, rockingoldensamurai +6, JCLS +4, ArnasB +9, as102 +10, Whitu Piggu +7, Deago123 +6, nighttorch +6, flashpanty +8, kamisking +6, Dreg1 +9, and 58 more...
Posted on 17 October 2018, 02:30 by:
Altayrl Score
Base +7, SuperGenericAnon +7, SexualPancakes +4, Min The Egyptian +5, JCLS +4, ArnasB +9, as102 +10, Whitu Piggu +7, Deago123 +6, nighttorch +6, flashpanty +8, kamisking +6, Dreg1 +9, and 44 more...
Posted on 17 October 2018, 04:35 by:
ninjdsfo Score
Base +6, ArnasB +9, CyborgSamurai +6, Whitu Piggu +7, nighttorch +6, kamisking +6, oneiwonder +7, john34404 +7, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Kerfirou +7, Doomzzg -7, IncognitoMaud +6, Bengon +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 17 October 2018, 04:49 by:
akunoko Score
Base +6, jack2233 +6, Und3adgam3r +7, MechWarriorNY +8, Deago123 +6, nighttorch +6, EarthQuake +7, flashpanty +8, kamisking +6, Plzensky Prazdroj -6, bunnygunny +6, IncognitoMaud +6, danielwain +9, and 22 more...
Base +6, dunker3 +5, Rose Garden -10, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, BaconPowder1 +10, astrohydra +7, alizzer -6, robypoo +8, Porokichin66 +9, BaconBuddha +6, somercet +9, karavanrob +13, Hyoros -13, and 3 more...
Posted on 17 October 2018, 15:54 by:
PKLove23 Score
Base +6, poomrapea +6, bogox +6, somercet +9, Spooky Ghost Butts +7
Posted on 18 October 2018, 12:20 by:
exia45 Score
Base +6, ShamaLlama +15, astrohydra +7
Base +6, SexualPancakes +4, junkacc121 +6, primeemu16 +7, Lawcol1 +6, neonBdragon +6, okmonger +3, ExtremeRampage +1, Hyoros +13, Thewizardking +6, AininChase +6, shinnt +18, Amonkeywhoworks +6, and 1 more...
Base +7, SpectralTime +6, onlyregistere +13, Bengon +7, Goretanton +5, Porokichin66 +9, neonBdragon +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, shinnt +18
Posted on 18 October 2018, 22:30 by:
Enki17 Score
Base +10, ghost_of_sanakan +7, seebe44 +6, ralix2 +6, Porokichin66 +9, Amonkeywhoworks +6, Ultimax-Bonk +6
Base +6, Hyoros -13, limisgood -9, Tsukuyomi17 -6
Base +6, Yowazzupmynig -6, TheBlackPhantom +4, Hilarity +6, DreadPool +6, alizzer +6, Bengon -7, Gloom89 +6, SCSS -18, panzerklein -6, robypoo -8, lolzcom -6, Goretanton -5, and 17 more...
Base +5, Goretanton +5, Lawcol1 +6, Ashark +6, TheKrister2 +6, neonBdragon +6, somercet +9, ExtremeRampage +1, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, shinnt +18, fattius_pattius +6, Amonkeywhoworks +6, Ultimax-Bonk +6, and 1 more...
Base +16, alizzer +6, Gloom89 +6, Dwave5678 +6, SCSS -18, panzerklein -6, NewUser75834 -6, oneiwonder +7, iromp -7, howshi +6, Kageryushin -9, NZRV -6, dramen -9, and 13 more...
Posted on 20 October 2018, 00:26 by:
josh1002 Score
Base +6, SCSS +18, junkacc121 -6, Goretanton +5, qwertz789 +6, alizzer -6, howshi -6, NZRV +6, Thunderowl -8, JumpingJellybeans +5, Porokichin66 +9, Warbob500 +8, bigscuba +3, and 3 more...
Base +6, SCSS -18, robypoo -8, junkacc121 +6, Goretanton -5, qwertz789 -6, alizzer +6, baltrazath -6, howshi +6, NZRV -6, dramen -9, ralix2 +6, elaxor -6, and 8 more...
Last edited on 23 October 2018, 10:58.
Base +16, danielwain +9, Krazylec +6, howshi +6, Kageryushin -9, NZRV -6, gashwrecker +7, Warbob500 -8, RiyukiX -6, sable1 +23, SCSS -19, TheKrister2 -6, jessica702 -10, and 12 more...
Base +7, fattius_pattius +6, Generotic +8