It is Travis Green's art style. Travis Green is the TheGreenHouse also now going by Duke-Of-Dutchhazel. See, I'M Travis Green/TheGreenHouse/Duke-Of-Dutchhazel. My E-Hentai forum account is years old and under the name Stylestar. I never bothered updating it. I remember how much work it took to get it established back then. Hope that solves the mystery for you.
Three of those places you described deal in primarily furry art and I don't indulge in that genre. Doesn't really interest me. Pixiv's a confusing mess to register in. I've thought about contributing to Rule34 Paheal, but I'm not entirely sold on the prospect. I don't have the time to restart things at TJA Forum and Palcomix Forum has this weird limit on uploads per post. Most of my work numbers in the triple digits, so that's a problem. I'm not sold on Hentai Foundry, either. I'd love it if I could find a site that was like WWOEC Forum.
well i don't really know of many other art sites like that, Hentai Foundry is a good place and furaffinity i've seen plenty of nonfurry art but if those aren't what you want when in doubt you can always try and use tumblr.