Posted on 12 November 2018, 17:10 by:
ktaguri13 Base +7, Noremac +7, Feii -6, Pootis Spencer -6, temporary +7, Eriker +7, wettyfap +5, The Mike -12, Scaurus +7, BNPeanuts +6, KazeZeroL -5, blagblag +7, Novanity +6, and 32 more...
Base +10, Bigslam1993 +8, paryo +4, Acecobe +7, mista TEA +6, StealthyJarl +9, Potato252729 +6, secret internet +6, zirpcev +6, fuzzuniverse +6, Shinryu-Rex +11, BNPeanuts +6, KazeZeroL -5, and 45 more...
Base +5, jorge tavani -6, HorstDetlef +8, Bigslam1993 +8, oneiwonder +7, Acecobe +7, Beyond Imagination +6, HiddenAngel +6, mista TEA +6, BrokenPinwheel +5, ExManslayer +6, DCH268 +6, SightlierGravy +11, and 137 more...
Base +30, paryo +4, oneiwonder +7, jessica702 +10, BlueSmoke +6, StealthyJarl +9, Potato252729 +6, Syokool +8, KazeZeroL -5, rockingoldensamurai +6, hacklol +7, gooched +6, keiprox +15, and 18 more...
Base +12, jessica702 +10, SightlierGravy +11, Gim-Li +10, StealthyJarl +9, sakashi_san +6, Scaurus +7, oneiwonder +7, BNPeanuts +6, KazeZeroL -5, Novanity +6, charliebear +6, Senor Pwnage +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 25 July 2018, 14:49 by:
Name321 Score
Base +6, nurd +6, secret internet +6, oneiwonder +7, MapHawk +6, BNPeanuts +6, KazeZeroL -5, blagblag +7, incogna777 +5, notmebro +2, Dzialowy +5, rohitratish +1, Juggernaut Santa +28, and 1 more...
Base +14, Scaurus +7, BNPeanuts +6, KazeZeroL -5, Novanity +6, Xaky20 +6, GK_GAMES -7, Wubsvik +6, 2pointer +4, parenthesis +6, Uneliasmarsu -6, Azura Meta +6, rohitratish +1
Base +6, Shades of Blue +7, Aqua Heartia +7, lostsage +6, oneiwonder +7, BNPeanuts +6, KazeZeroL -5, Novanity +6, anonymousMember +6, RedGryphon0 +6, Lahha +6, Aelth +6, nurd +6, and 57 more...
Posted on 26 July 2018, 02:28 by:
Ratch Score
Base +7, oneiwonder +7, KazeZeroL -5, somerandomdude33 +6, Novanity +6, supportonly +6, eldarium +6, Eyriol +7, Wubsvik +6, DeronRav +7, White Joker +22, fappyqaz +6, -Arthur- +6, and 7 more...
Base +6, BNPeanuts +6, KazeZeroL -5, Novanity +6, Dairy fun +6, IMNC +6, Slave Girl +16, shrekikomori +5, wotor +6, Galaxy Force +6, massimo123 -6
Base +7, lonemexican97 +4, BNPeanuts +6, KazeZeroL -5, Novanity +6, nurd +6, letoplel +18, Syerathe +13
Base +6, KazeZeroL -5, Novanity +6, Chaotic Anonymous +6, Slave Girl +16, supportonly +6, Wubsvik +6, sirtan +6, Dzialowy +5, AlephFish +8
Base +6, KazeZeroL -5, DarkShadow6 +6, Novanity +6, rockingoldensamurai +6, Lahha +6, iavo -18, daretofight +8, Wubsvik +6, _Zap_ +12, 2pointer +4, dietrich ferrari +6, aych001 +6, and 5 more...
Base +7, Aelth +6, supportonly +6, iavo +18, Spooky Ghost Butts +5, Chaotic Anonymous +6, OrinKiller7 +13, KazeZeroL -5, Aqua Heartia +7, 2pointer +4, kvlar +6, sirtan +6, Uneliasmarsu +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 26 July 2018, 14:14 by:
M0M0E Score
Base +7, xxkralozixx -6, kinoshita_tokichiro +24, pop9 +70, KazeZeroL -5, Excalibur_555 +5, 2pointer +4, Novanity +6
Base +2, minjomaster +6, iavo +18, Chaotic Anonymous +6, KazeZeroL -5, avikdas99 +7, see-eff +6, GK_GAMES +8
Posted on 28 July 2018, 02:55 by:
seenthat Score
Base +7, Chaotic Anonymous +6, KazeZeroL -5, Uneliasmarsu +6, Rocket 4000 +6, Cadavrus +6, fluckyea +6, Wubsvik +6
Posted on 03 August 2018, 01:06 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +7, Answyn +6, Victhu346 +6, PerishingCurrent +6, OzmaLee +6, nurd +6, cocapepsi +6, KazeZeroL -5, GodOfNothing +7, Aqua Heartia +7, Syerathe +13, sirtan +6, Uneliasmarsu +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Victhu346 +6, qrsWtuv +9, UnknownVariableA +5, nurd +6, cocapepsi +6, KazeZeroL -5, Aqua Heartia +7, sirtan +6, Dzialowy +5, Rocket 4000 +6, Ziginus +6
Base +6, OrinKiller7 +13, jessica702 +10, cocapepsi +6, naretla +8, KazeZeroL -5, Dzialowy +5, AlephFish +8, GK_GAMES +8
Posted on 10 August 2018, 09:59 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +7, xxkralozixx +6, goshaka +5, cocapepsi +6, KazeZeroL -5, APepper +6, Syerathe +13
Last edited on 14 August 2018, 15:49.
Base +6, KazeZeroL -5, theboredotaku +6, rockingoldensamurai +6, Aqua Heartia +7, shrö +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +6, White Joker +22, Azura Meta +6, fappyqaz +6, Panspechi +15, tj911 +4, kaitouyami +6, and 16 more...
Base +6, KazeZeroL -5, nurd +6, kap8 +6, tj911 +4, parenthesis +6, axeurol +6, Uneliasmarsu +6, Ziginus +6, brotherdudejack +5
Posted on 17 August 2018, 06:38 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +7, darkknightx2 +8, Wing9663 +4, KazeZeroL -5, aboutbank +12, rockingoldensamurai +6, gooched +6, FertyJukli +6, robbydax +14, Aqua Heartia +7, DrunkenWeeb +11, praisethemoon +6, minjomaster +6, and 40 more...
Base +3, FertyJukli +6, Azura Meta +6, BulletGod +6, KazeZeroL -5, Zero225 +15, Casyle +6, fappyqaz +6, HXW +7, hazari_13 +6, Rocket 4000 +6, dasiggi +6, Novanity +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, KazeZeroL -5, kap8 +6, Rocket 4000 +6, Wesieboy56 +6
Posted on 20 August 2018, 21:13 by:
zappzoe Score
Base +6, Masteryasha -6, Azura Meta +6, KazeZeroL -5, Zero225 +15, Nelath -6, dietrich ferrari +6, parenthesis +6, Novanity +6, WuvviDuvvi -13
Posted on 24 August 2018, 02:00 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +7, LyanDono +5, Azura Meta +6, Syerathe +13, BulletGod +6, KazeZeroL -5, DeronRav +7, Aqua Heartia +7, arseburgers +6, Black Mirage +9
Base +3, KazeZeroL -5, avikdas99 +7, arseburgers +6, Acerkro +4, Novanity +6, AlephFish +8
Posted on 31 August 2018, 07:08 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +8, Syerathe +13, jessica702 +10, KazeZeroL -5, Novanity +6
Base +5, parenthesis +6, KazeZeroL -5, Uneliasmarsu +6, Rocket 4000 +6, Novanity +6, Zeroshiki~ +7, Drode +9, AlephFish +8, GK_GAMES +8
Base +6, Vanguard3125 +6, parenthesis +6, KazeZeroL -5, Novanity +6
Posted on 08 September 2018, 02:36 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +8, parenthesis +6, Syerathe +13, Pliny the Younger +6, Vanguard3125 +6, KazeZeroL -5
Posted on 14 September 2018, 07:59 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +8, KazeZeroL -5, Drode +9, Novanity +6
Posted on 14 September 2018, 13:34 by:
RHM-kun Score
Base +6, otn +6, KingQwerty +6, Uneliasmarsu +6, Novanity +6, Hugh Jarse -6
Posted on 22 September 2018, 06:21 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +8, 7StarSword +6, precia +7, zerocs +6, cocapepsi +6, superBlast +7, Novanity +6
Base +6, Not@Channer +6, Yami odymel +6, axeurol +6, superBlast +7, Uneliasmarsu +6, Powerguido +6
Posted on 05 October 2018, 16:20 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +8, platewolf +9, GearZeroSky +18
Posted on 13 October 2018, 23:35 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +8, Rocket 4000 +6, archer123321 +19
Posted on 19 October 2018, 10:19 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Last edited on 27 October 2018, 10:04.
Base +8, dasiggi +6, Wesieboy56 +6
Base +2, safeMan^^ +6, a22658815 +6, Nelath +6, kongo26 +5, Superviper2018 +6, ddmmasd +6, zxy0603 +4
Posted on 04 November 2018, 03:32 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +8, GearZeroSky +18, caml2003 +9
Base +5, Powerguido +6, Drode +9, MrDreamy +6
Posted on 13 November 2018, 06:49 by:
ballcock Score
Base +7, Powerguido +6, Drode +9, see-eff +6, White Joker +22
Posted on 28 November 2018, 18:57 by:
Hezard Score
Base +10, WuvviDuvvi +13
Posted on 09 December 2018, 19:51 by:
Arkper Score
Base +12, allelujahhaptism +6, see-eff +6, themaskedfapper +6, Sharpiwi +13, naretla +8, randomguy7778 +6, Curie +11
Posted on 10 December 2018, 00:51 by:
Xenythe Score
Base +3, Orab +7, RallyX +7, KeyOfDestiny +1
Posted on 10 December 2018, 10:43 by:
B4z73rd Score
Base +6, RallyX +7, see-eff +6
Posted on 24 December 2018, 17:22 by:
rick-kun Score
Base +6, randomguy7778 +6
Posted on 03 November 2019, 14:32 by:
Fap.Fap Score
Base +25
Posted on 19 November 2019, 18:13 by:
NWatcher Score
Base +3