The protagonist's beloved cat Momo possesses women's bodies to have mating sex with him! In the first chapter he has sex with a possessed office worker, and in the second chapter with a girl by the name of Shizuku. Does this count as bestiality? :^)
Originally released in February 2018.
PDF is included in the torrent. (Google翻訳): PDFはトレントに含まれています。
Damn, that dude sure must've taken good care of that cat for it to come all the way back from kitty afterlife just to hook him up with some pussy, huh? Wait, was kitty cat dead or just, you know, have some magical ability to possess chicks and whore 'em out? Oh well, whichever, it's a cute theme, lots of good sex, damned sexy female characterizations, a winner through and through, very nice, thanks a lot for all the effort and sharing, it's a great one :)