Base +3, jfragrettel +8, plaquebringer -6, Kiranta +6, BurningGale +3, gert3613 +6, revenent666 -8, hmushk -6, unknownshadows +6, Manilovevore +6, under18thenitsloli +6, slade745 +7, KazeZeroL -5, and 7 more...
Posted on 08 November 2017, 23:53 by:
powert113 Score
Base +7, DSH -7, monojungla +6, megasean3000 +7, Daneasaur +6, ablock -6, badmandude +2, deadarm +6, bondmata +7, giygaskiller +6, Hav0c +6, Jeffsmov +9, Kiranta -6, and 67 more...
Posted on 09 November 2017, 02:32 by:
Jakool88 Score
Base +6, Kiranta -6, Zexar +14, openminded20 -6, BurningGale -3, MitchTheGreat +7, QnecroV +6, slashattack +6, Oneironaut3 -6, BigBoobsPerv +10, darienkd +9, unknownshadows -6, Church11 -6, and 19 more...
Posted on 09 November 2017, 02:57 by:
nado1908 Score
Base +6, Jeffsmov +9, Kiranta -6, blagblag +7, Zexar +14, Jago Smith +8, openminded20 -6, BurningGale -2, gert3613 +6, megamanzerobasslink +3, sir_gamer +6, kingra3 +5, DDSH02549 -5, and 21 more...
Posted on 09 November 2017, 06:11 by:
former182 Score
Base +9, BurningGale -3, MitchTheGreat +7, KrystalKross23 +6, slashattack +6, baadar +7, Kiranta +6, エロ魔人 +9, Rubyfruit Pixie +6, hmushk +6, animelord1 +7, rockball +6, Qwerty Bam +6, and 31 more...
Base +12, BurningGale -3, slashattack -6, Shinryu-Rex +11, CaptainCatfish +6, unknownshadows +6, Church11 -6, Manilovevore -6, under18thenitsloli -6, KazeZeroL -5, @djvkf +8, spec2k -6, gulliblegodot +6
Base +5, QnecroV +6, slashattack +6, BurningGale -3, theboredotaku -6, Kiranta -6, hmushk -6, masterchief47 +7, hon. +6, BigBoobsPerv +10, flopating +6, Zexar +14, am_ba +7, and 40 more...
Last edited on 05 April 2018, 05:08.
Base +7, hmushk -6, Church11 -6, Ficfactor -16, under18thenitsloli -6, unknownshadows -6, elfangor +10, conradtheanimu +6, AmoraSilver -6, ReyvateilArciel -6, bigbigman121 +7, bentonfalls +6, Manilovevore +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 30 November 2017, 22:37 by:
Renalo Score
Base +9, hmushk +6, Church11 -6, Ficfactor +16, Manilovevore +6, under18thenitsloli -6, unknownshadows +6, conradtheanimu +6, KazeZeroL -5, AmoraSilver +6, theboredotaku +6, Nashiki18 +6, theglueman +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 30 November 2017, 23:56 by:
TheHand Score
Base +6, Kiranta -6, エロ魔人 +9, Supervizor +6, Lolzu +6, QnecroV +6, hmushk -6, Nerokuros +6, layra_stucco +7, Zexar +14, Church11 -6, Ficfactor +16, Manilovevore -6, and 26 more...
Base +6, gangnam_gu -6, noboi -6, hmushk +6, Nerokuros -6, Unyltyan -6, layra_stucco -7, Zexar -14, am_ba -7, unknownshadows +6, Ficfactor -16, Manilovevore +6, justlookingforporn -6, and 7 more...
Last edited on 08 December 2017, 00:25.
Base +5, gangnam_gu +6, slashattack +6, ExecutorBill +9, animelord1 +7, Onisk +6, Nerokuros +6, BigBoobsPerv +10, Murphos -7, Zexar +14, Church11 -6, masterchief47 +7, bondmata +8, and 27 more...
Posted on 23 December 2017, 18:01 by:
Dotto Score
Base +7, monojungla +6, Murphos +7, unknownshadows +6, Chauneko +9, Manilovevore +6, plaquebringer -6, under18thenitsloli +6, slade745 +7, Eleventh 9-9-9- +7, Daymz0008 +7, MitchTheGreat +7, conradtheanimu +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 13 February 2018, 00:18 by:
FarkyMac Score
Base +7, darienkd -9, Unyltyan -6, Zexar -14, unknownshadows +6, Church11 +6, Jarvis_42 +8, Ficfactor -16, Manilovevore +6, plaquebringer -6, Cocassu +6, under18thenitsloli +6, slade745 +7, and 8 more...
Base +6, Onisk +6, under18thenitsloli -6, unknownshadows +6, hmushk -6, @djvkf +8, gulliblegodot +6
Base +6, Ficfactor -16, megasean3000 +8, Manilovevore +6, plaquebringer -6, Cocassu +6, under18thenitsloli -6, slade745 +7, unknownshadows +6, hmushk -6, dach.tom +5, bentonfalls -6, spec2k +6, and 3 more...
Base +5, Ficfactor +16, tedturner07 +10, plaquebringer +6, Cocassu -6, under18thenitsloli -6, Zexar +14, BigBoobsPerv +10, slade745 -7, unknownshadows +6, hmushk -6, Church11 -7, Gideon666 +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, Ficfactor +16, tedturner07 +10, Manilovevore +6, plaquebringer +6, under18thenitsloli -6, Zexar +14, BigBoobsPerv +10, slade745 -7, unknownshadows +6, hmushk -6, Church11 -7, Gideon666 +6, and 7 more...
Base +4, Manilovevore +6, plaquebringer -6, under18thenitsloli +6, shadow9800 +7, theglueman +5, NeitherMyName -6, BigBoobsPerv +10, slade745 +7, unknownshadows +6, Eleventh 9-9-9- +7, hmushk +6, Nanashi Genmu +26, and 9 more...
Base +12, hmushk -6, KazeZeroL -5, plaquebringer -6, @djvkf +8, gulliblegodot -6
Base +6, slade745 -7, unknownshadows -6, Eleventh 9-9-9- -7, hmushk -6, Church11 -7, Gideon666 +6, Ficfactor +17, Cocassu -7, Harmdwards -1, theboredotaku -6, max2041 +1, bentonfalls +6, and 8 more...
Base +4, hmushk -6, slade745 -7, lw123789 +10, Church11 -7, ExecutorBill +9, Gideon666 +6, Ficfactor +17, dach.tom -5, Cocassu -7, sal9000 +8, Harmdwards -1, AGMlolz +11, and 14 more...
Base +6, Ficfactor -17, slade745 +7, dach.tom +5, theboredotaku +6, bentonfalls -6, plaquebringer -6, spec2k +6, Seelenmord +10, Insanity4362 +7, The Ultramind +6, @djvkf +8, shadow9800 +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 15 April 2018, 21:46 by:
Gunkshot Score
Base +2, BigBoobsPerv -10, Ficfactor -17, slade745 +7, dach.tom +5, Cocassu +7, Licoffin +1, Harmdwards +1, Crookedwood +1, Wootte +1, Evanobby +1, Barnerty +1, Zimgraham +1, and 8 more...
Base +6, Licoffin -1, Wootte -1, Evanobby -1, Barnerty -1, Zimgraham -1, Tinkerthomson -1, Mythicson -1, rambo voller +8, Seelenmord -10, @djvkf +8, gulliblegodot +6
Posted on 20 July 2018, 20:48 by:
@43883 Score
Base +35, bentonfalls -6, plaquebringer -6, spec2k +6, @djvkf +8, gulliblegodot +6
Posted on 20 July 2018, 21:42 by:
kolshix Score
Base +7, slade745 -7, dach.tom -5, Cocassu -7, AmoraSilver -6, Church11 -7, Tai223236 -7, Licoffin -1, Harmdwards -1, Lanestompa -1, Crookedwood -1, Wootte -1, Zimgraham -1, and 6 more...
Base +14, dach.tom -5, Hitsu89 +6, Cocassu -7, AmoraSilver -6, Church11 -7, Licoffin -1, Harmdwards -1, Lanestompa -1, Crookedwood -1, Wootte -1, Evanobby -1, Barnerty -1, and 22 more...
Base +5, Hitsu89 -6, AmoraSilver +6, Licoffin +1, Harmdwards +1, Lanestompa +1, Crookedwood +1, Wootte +1, Evanobby +1, Barnerty +1, Zimgraham +1, Tinkerthomson +1, Mythicson +1, and 11 more...
Base +6, 1two3five +6, AmoraSilver +6, Licoffin +1, Harmdwards +1, Lanestompa +1, Crookedwood +1, Wootte +1, Evanobby +1, Barnerty +1, Zimgraham +1, Tinkerthomson +1, Mythicson +1, and 12 more...
Base +1, AmoraSilver +6, Licoffin +1, Harmdwards +1, Lanestompa +1, Crookedwood +1, Wootte +1, Evanobby +1, Barnerty +1, Zimgraham +1, Tinkerthomson +1, Mythicson +1, bentonfalls -6, and 7 more...
Posted on 21 July 2018, 17:42 by:
ramza91 Score
Base +6, Licoffin +1, Harmdwards +1, Lanestompa +1, Crookedwood +1, Wootte +1, Evanobby +1, Barnerty +1, Zimgraham +1, Tinkerthomson +1, Mythicson +1, AGMlolz -11, GuroLover12 -10, and 12 more...
Posted on 22 July 2018, 17:36 by:
eqalidan Score
Base +7, Kiranta -6, rambo voller +8, bentonfalls -6, plaquebringer +6, slade745 -7, SteelHalberd +2, theboredotaku +6, Meia42 -6, Amagi2 -6, shadowareaper -6, @djvkf +8, spec2k +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, Kiranta +6, bentonfalls -6, plaquebringer -6, spec2k +6, Manilovevore +6, The Ultramind +6, shadowareaper +6, @djvkf +8, theglueman +6, Nimble_Momonga +6, gulliblegodot +6
Posted on 20 October 2018, 20:42 by:
Niceguy18 Score
Base +4, @djvkf +8, AGMlolz -11, gulliblegodot +6
Base +6, Nimble_Momonga +6, gulliblegodot -6