Posted on 01 December 2018, 10:36 by:
SyriasX Score
Base +6, Kenyenzie +6, George642 +9, Milosz218 +6, CorruptedNerd669 +7, Reich123 +6, Bookrat15 +5, MapHawk +6, Karl_Franz +1, Romi the Byzantine +7, Neriman +6, traficantj +17, Whitu Piggu +7, and 40 more...
Posted on 01 December 2018, 10:47 by:
qqkk077 Score
Base +6, 川建国 +1, Valid soul +7, scarlet yylx +6, 神楽坂藤和 +6, kingsonsword +3, double room +3, StasisField +6
Base +6, CorruptedNerd669 +7, Reich123 +6, fillin +6, MapHawk +6, Karl_Franz +1, qoppaphi +6, Neriman +6, arnauf +7, Whitu Piggu +7, escaper +6, kamisking +6, TIE_Defender2nd +10, and 10 more...
Base +6, CorruptedNerd669 +7, Reich123 +6, fillin +6, MapHawk +6, Karl_Franz +1, J-Eye +10, joel8959 +6, DigitalHermit +6, Neriman +6, arnauf +7, Whitu Piggu +7, fap_1_master +6, and 21 more...
Posted on 01 December 2018, 12:28 by:
SkyPond Score
Base +3, shiliguang +5
Base +4, Reich123 +6, SubetaDnD +7, fap_1_master +6, olegv11 +6, nsed +6, gaging0 +9, randomname12131412 +7, lordoftar +7, flere101 +6, rext11 +6, PsychoKingJP +6, NebulaMaster +4
Posted on 01 December 2018, 13:37 by:
Elicaire Score
Base +6, qoppaphi +6, Reich123 +6, Soldier A +6, CharlieHoang97 +6, Bulopu +15
Posted on 01 December 2018, 13:54 by:
asdfghfd Score
Base +6, imalurkin +8, Reich123 +6, fap_1_master +6, Soldier A +6, fegor21 +5, Psychotic Pastry +5, danielwain +9, Draw99Gray +17, Moonlights31 +6, nsed +6, takatou iori +6, Hugh Jarse +6, and 21 more...
Base +17, Moonlights31 -6, MonsieurCao +6, shiliguang +5
Posted on 01 December 2018, 18:01 by:
galio12 Score
Base +6, Matstest +7, Moonlights31 -6, gaging0 +9, MonsieurCao +6, Reich123 +6, Vainfire +4, Ost666 +6, NoOneIsRecognizeMe +6, sensualaoi +25, Jazzy81 +11, Capi duffman +15, Marisa Kirisame +8, and 6 more...
Posted on 01 December 2018, 21:43 by:
foobart Score
Base +1, golof36 +6, MonsieurCao +6, koronvandhera +6, Vainfire +4, mondegreened +6, gufalu +6, Jazzy81 +11, roboZstarrr +4, Marisa Kirisame +8, Techwire +11, jklebonas +5, 3is +3, and 5 more...
Posted on 01 December 2018, 22:34 by:
Tomzai Score
Base +6, MonsieurCao -6, Letterzero +5, linda3323 +6
Base +9, Moonlights31 +6, 神楽坂藤和 +6, Reich123 +6, Dorseen +6, kinkyaf +5, Marisa Kirisame +8, rext11 +6, golof36 +6, MajoRi01 +2, edson +14, Allan Maho +1
Base +6, Reich123 +6, Vainfire +4, ktkwon00 +6, Ost666 +6, vipy26 +5, NoOneIsRecognizeMe +6, Marisa Kirisame +8, jklebonas +5, 3is +3, golof36 +6, MajoRi01 +2, PsychoKingJP +6, and 1 more...
Base +3, mondegreened +6, shiliguang +5, StasisField +6, PsychoKingJP +6
Posted on 03 December 2018, 02:49 by:
notfaggot Score
Base +8, shiliguang +5, ExileTower +5
Base +6, Cymbor +6, Hikikomori Gamer +6, Dragoner7 +5, Kraftz +6, bookie -7, Psychotic Pastry -5, Techwire +11, shrinkos -6, rext11 +6, 3is +3, StasisField +6, NoOneIsRecognizeMe +6, and 2 more...
Base +7, Jazzy81 +11, Dragoner7 -5, CorruptedNerd669 +7, maximusfive +6, Bulopu +15, Arkper +12, kogtouma +6, nemuro +6, Psychotic Pastry -5, Yankee-Five +4, 3is -3, Inevitable +7, and 7 more...
Base +6, bookie -7, itsatess +5, shrinkos -6, rext11 +6, Inevitable -7, somedude1234symbols -6, golof36 +6, CorruptedNerd669 -7, reroda -14, 09eragera09 +6, Gitler1488 +4, Sh@doW -8
Posted on 28 December 2018, 07:45 by:
jiuiloli Score
Base +5
Base +6, CorruptedNerd669 +7, tudjin +6, reroda +14, StasisField +6
Posted on 14 February 2020, 22:58 by:
XD0009 Score
Base +7, 止步天籁 +6
Posted on 13 June 2020, 04:31 by:
7B9D Score
Base +4
Posted on 15 June 2020, 13:47 by:
Vooxoo Score
Base +9, diabloi3 +6, biroberts -6, jsnormandy +10