Posted on 12 December 2018, 21:34 by:
mcCo Score
Base +7, Moisha +6, topher876 +6, coleccionista903 +6, 4353453 +6, Lurkerfag +6, LordEl-MelloiII -4, FattyMcMuffin +6, eternal_darkness +13, breanyman +6, LaBlancChat +8, IncognitoMaud +6, Usagi2 +10, and 36 more...
Base +7, Moisha +6, LordEl-MelloiII -4, breanyman -6, otn -6, tester12342 -14, Crese -6, Known Unknown -6, Recyclex -6, quack_duck +7, laidjon -9, suratkabar -7, Benny-boy -29, and 5 more...
Base +6, kashima_glove -21, topher876 +6, coleccionista903 -6, ArcaneScorn -7, Rocbleaser -12, Factsies -6, Metalrev -6, Lurkerfag +6, Xeron +6, C-r-y-s-t +6, Nep17 -5, Doubles +8, and 15 more...
Base +12, topher876 +6, jorge tavani +6, Hawlc +6, Draw99Gray +17, undefinedghost +7, sangaz +6, zinos6 +8, Crabacious +6, SonicGTR +6, LordEl-MelloiII -4, Winter is Cumming +6, FattyMcMuffin +6, and 87 more...
Base +5, FattyMcMuffin +6, eternal_darkness +13, breanyman +6, Chornlajorn +5, ArcaneScorn -7, dj756 +6, tester12342 -14, RagerDaPrince +6, pluckyp +6, cmos -30, Recyclex -6, lithe -7, and 8 more...
Posted on 12 December 2018, 22:46 by:
BPuff Score
Base +7, zinos6 -8, LordEl-MelloiII -4, Lejunbug -6, war15 -8, breanyman -6, xkillo777 -9, dj756 -6, tester12342 -14, Known Unknown -6, ziom236 -9, suratkabar -7, Benny-boy -29
Base +4, breanyman +6, @Inkblot +24, ArcaneScorn -7, quack_duck +7, Rabaa +7, Daviot +6, rooldeewurldman +4, Lawcol1 +6, Rail vehicle fan +5, Finbastard +6
Posted on 13 December 2018, 00:42 by:
JJZ-Good Score
Base +11, Omnicent -6, ArcaneScorn -7, dj756 -6, tester12342 -14, chexusai -6, Bresken -6, Crese -6, Known Unknown -6, pluckyp -6, cmos -30, suratkabar -7, The Mike -12
Base +7, ArcaneScorn +7, Recyclex +6, lithe +7, quack_duck -7, xXHentaiLoverXx -6, rotar zairo +10, urmom1o1 +6, afsafsfasdf -6, Inesb +6
Posted on 13 December 2018, 02:02 by:
rick-kun Score
Base +6, nurd +6, trolling.fag +11, ArcaneScorn +7, dj756 -6, ZeroRazor +6, tester12342 +14, chexusai +6, cmos +43, Recyclex +6, lithe +7, potato1919 +6, quack_duck +7, and 25 more...
Posted on 13 December 2018, 02:19 by:
hafini Score
Base +9, zannix +6, lithe +7, quack_duck +7, SonicBlue +6, xburner_99 +4, Ishap +7, Artimise +6, Lawcol1 +6, n00ps +6, Inesb +6, tudjin +6
Posted on 13 December 2018, 03:18 by:
Makaijin Score
Base +23, cmos +43, Recyclex +6, lithe +7, potato1919 +6, quack_duck +7, nado100 +8, Gadona295 +6, Rabaa +7, Cmdrtimbt +6, suratkabar +7, catdrag0n +17, Holyfang +6, and 23 more...
Base +6, Recyclex -6, lithe -7, bagiaaa -11, quack_duck -7, cmos -30, suratkabar -7, Benny-boy -29, SonicBlue -6, The Mike -12
Posted on 13 December 2018, 11:18 by:
Yefta Score
Base +6, xburner_99 +4, Artimise +6
Base +6, Benny-boy -29, The Mike -12, chexusai -6, gufalu -6, Rebel Soldier -4, L0wk3y -7
Base +5, Benny-boy -29, The Mike -12, nn2142 -6, cmos -30, Rebel Soldier -4, L0wk3y -7, mmgz -6, rotar zairo -10
Posted on 20 January 2019, 21:22 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +9, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, Inesb +6
Posted on 20 February 2019, 12:56 by:
~J1nX_ Score
Base +6
Posted on 03 January 2020, 13:11 by:
Salmacius Score
Base +6