The layout is frustrating to read, the panels have an odd flow to them, and for what little there is, I've seen *actual* porn films make more sense.
The art is solid, and the proportions are consistent. The artist has a great deal of potential, just needs to study how comics and webtoons should be made.
Base +5, Drakuun__ +1, shrö +6, Feladrance +6, TigerB +6
So tired of people complaining about the webtoon format while reading it on a platform not made for reading webtoons. What next, will we complain that soup is hard to eat with a fork?
Load the zip and open it in a proper reader that allows smooth infinite scrolling without requiring you to break your mouse wheel. It makes a huge difference. It's even better if you use a tablet.
Edit: Let's see how many haters downvote this post to oblivion because they have no argument.