Posted on 31 December 2018, 04:24 by:
bagiaaa Last edited on 31 December 2018, 02:55.
Base +28, nagakun zi +12, rockingoldensamurai +6, upsic +7, ComboNicko +6, Hakrei +26, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Megaton +39, Feladrance +6, as102 +10, lewgnik +6, DattacK +7, Porokichin66 +8, and 11 more...
Posted on 31 December 2018, 03:26 by:
bagiaaa Score
Base +11, Alcrian +5, upsic +7, ComboNicko +6, Megaton +39, das3122 +11, DattacK +7, Porokichin66 +8, Crese +6, hacklol +7, kamisking +6, Haruka Aiphos +4, bigscuba +3, and 3 more...
Posted on 31 December 2018, 03:54 by:
SmileGate Score
Base +6, throwaway7 -6, superchaos777 -6, Hakrei -26, Kohai-Sev -6, shitty_wizard -6, BaconPowder1 -12, SixTri -13, wanderer9 -7, Beddhist -14, henrik -6, Cadavrus -6, vernalcash -7, and 2 more...
Posted on 31 December 2018, 05:41 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, Abweichung +6, liberius +6, Kaens7 +8, Razeroc +6, Looshi +6, Porokichin66 +8, Nicosai +15, DreadPool +6, 1Nkr +6, Bookrat15 +5, Ashvinoth +6, kamisking +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 31 December 2018, 13:45 by:
MHM-2015 Score
Base +7, shadow king +8, Porokichin66 +8, nolol111 -6, Brego1 +6, DreadPool +6, Bookrat15 +5, DreamReave +6, Budda001 +6, Morawa +6, bigscuba +3, imonlyhere4porn +6, Daddyfatsack +6, and 8 more...
Base +7, Beyond Imagination +6, Porokichin66 +8, heh...narto +6, Crese +6, hacklol +7, Bookrat15 -5, Qwerty Bam +6, HunterBlackLuna -6, DreamReave +6, Budda001 +6, tiagra +6, pepe pompin +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 31 December 2018, 17:24 by:
Goombario Score
Base +6, Elusi +6, joker901 +7, Bookrat15 +5, Qwerty Bam +6, Budda001 +6, Morawa +6, BallsDeepu +6, Daddyfatsack +6, supersayan +6, byran47 +6, Drode +10, MechWarriorNY +9, and 5 more...
Base +6, 1Nkr +6, anon195 -7, Bookrat15 +5, joker901 -7, jsojoo12 +4, waltergeist -10, Qwerty Bam -6, ralix2 +6, HunterBlackLuna +6, Elianier -6, Azami_Sakurai +6, jigga_g_z -6, and 25 more...
Base +3, bigscuba +3, FCT77 -6, Undeadcynic97 +9, painly +6, RichardE92 +6, erana -15
Base +4, Undeadcynic97 +9, MechWarriorNY +9, debunote -6, snpaa +6, RichardE92 +6, lholmes20 +6, erana -15
Base +6, snpaa +6, Undeadcynic97 -9, FuckThisShittyShit -6, blackjack88 -6, painly +6, DesRed -6, vouz -6, orezz -6, chaos-control -6, Kometh -6, TheRokyando +7, Naughtynaughty +6, and 13 more...
Base +6, TheRokyando -7, lholmes20 +6, Throw Away +6, Korgal -6, iceman77 +6, Superasil -8, Rednavigator -5, MelmothTheWanderer +37, erana +15, CitrusZero -8, KOMMyHuCT -6, Billy Riley +6