Base +13, fenrir72 +6, syum +11, BFBK +6, faptimes -6, blabbo +6, Hakrei +28, seeker555 +8, the observer +7, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, elefat224 +6, OngKhan +12, Do not mind me +4, and 5 more...
Base +6, Bork +7, rockingoldensamurai +6, Minaroto +13, Synaxis +7, syum +11, blararag +6, BFBK +6, Lostalgia +8, HodorHodor +8, ragnaroxasX +6, faptimes -6, LegendaryT +7, and 57 more...
Last edited on 07 September 2023, 14:59.
Base +6, silveRxG -6, Shinogu -6, Romi the Byzantine -7, Worluvporn -6, cordialfellow -6, DarKDragonite -6, Cappy1992 -6, Raorao -9, Ljhentai1 -5, beyblader -6, BrianTT -6, wtf616 +7, and 11 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 13:26 by:
Brodon Score
Last edited on 08 January 2019, 04:39.
Base +7, syum +11, Hectotane +7, faptimes -6, BloodyHero +6, the observer +7, Dsight +6, Darknessend +6, shckwv +12, JB2X +6
Posted on 07 January 2019, 13:30 by:
foducool Score
Base +10, Romi the Byzantine +7, NKVDopenthedoor +5, Orion9137 +11, Kiranta +6, Drygone Forever +20, syum +11, Nobody_Know +7, blararag +6, BFBK +6, Lostalgia +8, HodorHodor +8, DDDgs +11, and 62 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 13:34 by:
shoy Score
Base +6, Synaxis +7, IaY +10, syum +11, HodorHodor +8, Seviper4 +7, Hectotane +7, faptimes -6, Hakrei +28, the observer +7, BaconPowder1 +12, micchaelfan +6, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, and 20 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 13:40 by:
hoigoigoi Score
Base +21, syum +11, Scaurus +7, dupped +4, faptimes -6, Creeper5000 +6, the observer +7, Remeark +5, BaconPowder1 +12, edson +13, Lurker31 +4, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, ChangelingDiva -2, and 14 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 13:41 by:
Kyu-kun Score
Base +7, syum +11, faptimes -6, the observer +7, Oracleofshadows +6, Sir 777 +5, shuntensatsu +15, Darknessend +6
Posted on 07 January 2019, 13:54 by:
dman69 Score
Base +7, Worluvporn +6, Prof. Tree -7, cordialfellow +6, Kirikka +7, chaos1111 -7, DarKDragonite +6, Raorao +9, godjesus -8, Ljhentai1 +5, kannushi -6, luckydan -6, Helryx -6, and 75 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 13:58 by:
Arienai~ Score
Base +7, syum +11, faptimes -6, the observer +7, 1Nkr +6, 4zusaNakano +6, ghost_of_sanakan +7
Posted on 07 January 2019, 14:46 by:
Nyxtani Score
Base +6, Ljhentai1 -5, kannushi +6, megaok -7, Kiranta -6, beyblader -6, BrianTT -6, Terithius -11, shadow king -8, DigitalFw33k -6, MarcusSorel -6, Granten -8, Hectotane -7, and 12 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 15:07 by:
dman69 Score
Base +7, luckydan -6, Helryx -6, megaok +7, Longrua -6, beyblader +6, BrianTT +6, Terithius +11, shadow king +8, MarcusSorel +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, faptimes -6, Jewdough +6, and 20 more...
Base +14, faptimes -6, the observer +7, BonoBono08 +6, DigitalFw33k +6, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Pennicandies +7, Dsight +6, 1Nkr +6, WaRiUr +10
Base +6, Granten -8, Fanservicefan +16, Prof. Tree +7, Romi the Byzantine -7, faptimes +6, Jewdough -6, chymesRB -6, MikeTheDragon -8, LegendaryT -7, obelisk729 -6, BrianTT -6, yamakannushi -6, and 42 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 20:57 by:
Boshi Score
Base +6, the observer +7, Cackler +6, Bucketskeltal +6, tehcrazyman +7
Base +5, LegendaryT +7, ryuukami123 +12, the observer +7, BonoBono08 +6, penith +6, DigitalFw33k +6, Vanguard3125 +6, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Dsight +6, shuntensatsu +15, Lurker31 +4, tehcrazyman +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 21:06 by:
maggot Score
Base +6, heh...narto +6, ryuukami123 +12, quetzacoatl +9, Hakrei +28, the observer +7, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Vanguard3125 +6, Lurker31 +4, solitario_196 +6, Quote Marks +9
Base +6, Not-Phen0xyethanol +6, butt1234123412341234 +6, the observer +7, Vanguard3125 +6, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Mr_Pappy +6, shuntensatsu +15, CPR +6, Lurker31 +4, CalTheDrummer +8, SecretiveGamer +13, tehcrazyman +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 07 January 2019, 23:28 by:
psaw Score
Base +6, butt1234123412341234 +6, the observer +7, penith +6, Remv123 +4, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Quote Marks +9, void-stealer +6, Dsight +6, shuntensatsu +15, Lurker31 +4, ShrikeRisen +6, CalTheDrummer +8, and 5 more...
Base +6, butt1234123412341234 +6, shadow king +8, the observer +7, Vanguard3125 +6, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Dsight +6, shuntensatsu +15, Kevin H. Yang +6, ShrikeRisen +6, CalTheDrummer +8
Posted on 08 January 2019, 02:42 by:
anomahous Score
Base +10, heh...narto +6, Vanguard3125 +6, Lurker31 +4, Italian guy +6, komplikation +6, Astargo +6, SuperDef +13
Posted on 08 January 2019, 05:45 by:
Chojiin Score
Base +6, nonenamed +6, Vanguard3125 +6, Dsight +6, shuntensatsu +15, Lurker31 +4, 4zusaNakano +6
Posted on 08 January 2019, 08:46 by:
MadDan Score
Base +6, Not-Phen0xyethanol +6, Dsight +6, shuntensatsu +15, Cackler +6, 4zusaNakano +6
Base +7, Dsight +6, shuntensatsu +15, Romi the Byzantine +7, Stan2010 +6
Posted on 08 January 2019, 11:05 by:
nexxkinn Score
Base +6
Base +6, shuntensatsu +15, Almighty19 +6
Base +6, shuntensatsu +15, darienkd -9, Soap347 +6, 4zusaNakano +6, WaRiUr +10
Posted on 08 January 2019, 16:30 by:
lqfr88 Score
Base +7, NakamaSanji +6, Lurker31 +4, solitario_196 +6, qwerdssa +9
Posted on 10 January 2019, 06:53 by:
rlsdmm Score
Base +6