Posted on 15 January 2019, 04:51 by:
塔布里斯 Posted on 15 January 2019, 04:19 by:
chuyun丶 Score
Base +3, 勇者酱的跟班 +5, 萬劫紅蓮 +4, SlimeNo6 +5, jqrwvf +6, lnshift9xshift0 +4, ghfbb44 +5, All pass +5, Alvaro Morata +6, aniplex_218 +6, GuHL +9, zoidsdx44 +6, kunzite +8, and 175 more...
Base +6, 萬劫紅蓮 +4, lnshift9xshift0 +4, aweggg +6, Shana315 +6, 帥逼晨星 +5, lbem +6, 扎神 +6, Harley Chong +6, Philip·J·Fry +6, Ronbig +4, Dracay +7, 路西法教徒 +6, and 45 more...
Base +5, lsyy +6, 勇者酱的跟班 +5, moenoshiki +6, 萬劫紅蓮 +4, SlimeNo6 +5, jqrwvf +6, aweggg +6, Alvaro Morata +6, zoidsdx44 +6, Alouvince +5, 帥逼晨星 +5, mianbaomianbao +6, and 100 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 04:36 by:
Sing2142 Score
Base +5, zxy147258 +6, Alvaro Morata +6, shaaaababa +2, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, lbem +6, Harley Chong -6, rcqz +4, asdfg10235 +6, whatsapk +6, Zakki001 +3, cjeep910821 +5, yihoujiubuyongle +6, and 24 more...
Base +6, caminhas -10, OordCloud -6, Alvaro Morata -6, bluewin +7, hupopi +4, Berkut v3 -6, wenzer +6, shen1982 +8, cccyezi -2, Marine Type AV Dog +6, Zakki001 +3, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, and 7 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 04:42 by:
unrucode Score
Base +6, Alvaro Morata +6, lbem +6, Harley Chong +6, jimmygdx6331 +5, cryan_g +5, sa033766 +6, wxj609722650 +6, twl931204 +4, whatsapk +6, Zakki001 +3, cjeep910821 +5, kiritoryj +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, HiziriMokou +6, jqrwvf +6, Alvaro Morata +6, 123ecq347 +6, HE01942529 +6, NingYuanyyyy +4, dtttt +11, zhusngeva +6, Larua33 +4, NO11 +6, whatsapk +6, Zakki001 +3, and 22 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 04:51 by:
ssssss897 Score
Base +7, GuHL +9, 宅到没脾气 +4, shaaaababa +2, 霽霞空 +6, abigidiot +6, zhusngeva +6, Larua33 +4, whatsapk +6, Zakki001 +3, cjeep910821 +5, andy chan +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 05:18 by:
mapo Score
Base +7, tc_hold +8, 塔布里斯 +33, Cakecookie +6, 一枚铜板 +5, 锻炼~ +6, lnshift9xshift0 +4, ghfbb44 +5, All pass +5, T.D. +6, pidis +6, Alvaro Morata +6, 逆袭的炸鸡 +6, and 464 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 05:27 by:
rowsecawq Score
Base +5, 塔布里斯 +33, 锻炼~ +6, lnshift9xshift0 +4, All pass +5, Alvaro Morata +6, GuHL +9, Darklight65 +8, Leo233 +6, aniplex_218 +6, shdx5 +2, Mr C +7, zoidsdx44 +6, and 342 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 06:01 by:
saidness Score
Base +6, 跳舞乌英达姆 +6, chainwo2640 +5, Rensouhou +2, ian84022228376 +6, 塔布里斯 +33, scarlet yylx +6, GuHL +9, aniplex_218 +6, Shana315 +6, MF01 +6, zoidsdx44 +6, hupopi +4, and 99 more...
Base +4, wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +6, asdfg10235 +6, cryan_g +5, Zakki001 +3, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, ronald279 +6, 塔布里斯 +33, ha1997 +6, Skycloud_yun126 +4, qr9s +3, NO WAY TO SEE ME +6
Base +6, andy chan +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, kuku852s +5, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, 塔布里斯 +33, ha1997 +6, Skycloud_yun126 +4
Posted on 15 January 2019, 06:55 by:
jiuliuyi Score
Base +17, yuanrenqi +6, lbem +6, aweggg +6, KaoCan +5, nexus316 +6, Harley Chong +6, lijiaxi +6, Philip·J·Fry +6, HE01942529 +6, rkang1 +4, isa0709 +6, maoccc +6, and 36 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 07:14 by:
lixiye Score
Base +6, lbem +6, Alvaro Morata +6, asdfg10235 +6, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, nonamehanhua +6, 塔布里斯 +33, Patriot_ADAM +6
Posted on 15 January 2019, 07:27 by:
bitch1001 Score
Base +6, lbem +6, HE01942529 +6, Alvaro Morata +6, Arschofguan +6, NO11 +6, whatsapk +6, cjeep910821 +5, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, nonamehanhua +6, 塔布里斯 +33, 紳士的風範 +5, ha1997 +6, and 1 more...
Base +5, charlieandcharl +5, oodt +4, Qwertyu789 +8, sat1030 +6, cjeep910821 +5, 塔布里斯 +33, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, hkwjfoj +5, Syoshinsya +6, ExAlan +6
Posted on 15 January 2019, 08:49 by:
ppt777 Score
Base +5, Quic +6, lbem +6, lijiaxi +6, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, nonamehanhua +6, 塔布里斯 +33, ha1997 +6, Skycloud_yun126 +4
Posted on 15 January 2019, 09:10 by:
SummerUMR Score
Base +6, shufulei +6, andy chan +6, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, nonamehanhua +6, 塔布里斯 +33, ExAlan +6, Jumppmuj +4, m63823 +6
Posted on 15 January 2019, 09:19 by:
nhlqe Score
Base +6, ayulsa111 +6, linusfalco +6, lijiaxi +6, Philip·J·Fry +6, HE01942529 +6, 石崎信吾 +6, The Elder +5, maoccc +6, lnshift9xshift0 +4, Galaxystar +8, qwerdssa +8, wxj609722650 +6, and 45 more...
Base +6, Philip·J·Fry +6, cjeep910821 +5, andy chan +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, 塔布里斯 +33, Skycloud_yun126 +4, 蕲春一中 +3, wl2953035wl +5
Posted on 15 January 2019, 10:33 by:
zyc1629 Score
Base +10, Philip·J·Fry +6, Ophiiuchus +7, HE01942529 +6, 石崎信吾 +6, The Elder +5, lnshift9xshift0 +4, sat1030 +6, wxj609722650 +6, whatsapk +6, Zakki001 +3, cjeep910821 +5, yihoujiubuyongle +6, and 34 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 11:15 by:
jairss Score
Base +6, andy chan +6, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, nonamehanhua +6, 苏卡卡 +6, haohaohm +1, 塔布里斯 +33, Philip·J·Fry +6, Skycloud_yun126 +4, wl2953035wl +5
Posted on 15 January 2019, 13:23 by:
Q冰山王子Q Score
Base +6, kiritoryj +6, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, nonamehanhua +6, hehehe518 +6, haohaohm +1, 塔布里斯 +33, 死神代行者zero +3
Posted on 15 January 2019, 13:25 by:
vivagogo Score
Base +7, cjeep910821 +5, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, nonamehanhua +6, 苏卡卡 +6, haohaohm +1, 塔布里斯 +33, YukiU7 +6, Philip·J·Fry +6, 蕲春一中 +3, rt48766 +6, wl2953035wl +5, 8965dswy +3, and 3 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 13:54 by:
通吃貨 Score
Base +6, ddddioo +6, asdzxcaer +21, mikezx15 +8, robin1087 +6, gygygy39 +4, jeffery2838 +11, lanlanluu083 +11, T J +6, SZHIPPO7897 +6, jsyj10 +6, wait790719 +6, RiRiRiKo +19, and 21 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 15:51 by:
godgame Score
Base +6, InnocentSoul +6, jeffery2838 +11, taroex +8, qwerdssa +8, ace82528111 +6, devils271011 +6, wxj609722650 +6, coollee8146 +14, a74569872 +6, Zxcvbnm55123 +5, 亜ぉふさ」 +6
Posted on 15 January 2019, 16:01 by:
a9jktp Score
Base +2, lnshift9xshift0 +4, wxj609722650 +6, 塔布里斯 +33, yihoujiubuyongle +6, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, zos3zaqv +4, nonamehanhua +6, hkwjfoj +5, Chiyori +6, Syoshinsya +6, TYPEIX +2, sm0505 +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 17:44 by:
mongnan Score
Base +1, ccwel +6, Diapason +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, Xuriax +6, Patriot_ADAM +6, (Cheater) PeterChu -8, zos3zaqv +4, nonamehanhua +6, 秩序永恒 +6, gilashley +6, haohaohm +1, 塔布里斯 +33, and 8 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 18:18 by:
cheers Score
Base +8, fs834594 +6, jeffery2838 +11, R-wild +16, coollee8146 +14, a74569872 +6, taroex +8, rjc921010 -6, ngsc13456 +8, 立斐丶灵芙 -4, 41qw +6, gochri +5, Joludo +4, and 1 more...
Posted on 15 January 2019, 18:49 by:
W-W Score
Base +9, jeffery2838 +11, R-wild +16, coollee8146 +14, a74569872 +6, taroex +8, yyiii +7, wagic +12, xiouluomuxie +6, Joludo +4, asdfg10235 +6
Posted on 16 January 2019, 02:50 by:
cheers Score
Base +8, jeffery2838 +11, tryking +6, kefe +19, kdiver +9, qaz223gy +9, q20114 +25, mikezx15 +8, feelhappyness +5, nonamehanhua -6, ExAlan +6, R-wild +16, Zes +40, and 16 more...
Posted on 16 January 2019, 02:56 by:
mama1788 Score
Base +10, jeffery2838 +11, tryking +6, kefe +19, qaz223gy +9, GuinS +14, q20114 +25, mikezx15 +8, qwerdssa +8, agutton +1, LordWinter +7, 2e4656dc3e +1, owahgglan +1, and 73 more...
Posted on 16 January 2019, 06:34 by:
lf2000i Score
Base +9, jeffery2838 +11, kefe +19, kdiver +9, qwerdssa +8, morineko +46, max860115 +6, log732 +6, Harupuia +7, nnlhy +9, jellyfish0921 +7, arakinojosou +6, q20114 +25, and 41 more...
Posted on 16 January 2019, 07:04 by:
brian712 Score
Base +6, Harupuia +7, jellyfish0921 +7, jeffery2838 +11, arakinojosou +6, q20114 +25, kefe +19, seedas +6, GuinS +14, ndersea +6, bluewin +7, (Cheater) PeterChu +8, zos3zaqv -4, and 45 more...
Base +6, log732 +6, Harupuia +7, jellyfish0921 +7, jeffery2838 +11, arakinojosou +6, q20114 +25, kefe +19, seedas +6, morineko +46, GuinS +14, ndersea +6, areack +8, and 58 more...
Posted on 16 January 2019, 14:15 by:
squily Score
Base +7, asdzxcaer +21, ph0bia +6, bluewin +7, ABXYZ +6, touhougg +7, ndersea +6, T J +6, Jake997 +6, Vege-hole +6, 流風亂神 +7, iambabyhu +14, blast000 +6, and 12 more...
Base +6, ph0bia +6, 55667776 +7, 流風亂神 +7, Henry L. +7, bluewin +7, iambabyhu +14, ABXYZ +6, touhougg +7, ndersea +6, b60229 +4, T J +6, Jake997 +6, and 26 more...
Base +6, ph0bia +6, ex30404 +6, bluewin +7, NOE874 +6, iambabyhu +14, ABXYZ +6, touhougg +7, ndersea +6, b60229 +4, 流風亂神 +7, a74569872 +6, rjc921010 -6
Posted on 16 January 2019, 15:32 by:
ogre5217 Score
Base +5, ph0bia +6, 55667776 +7, lilaclily -6, ex30404 +6, bluewin +7, NOE874 +6, iambabyhu +14, ABXYZ +6, touhougg +7, ndersea +6, b60229 +4, MP TAINAN +7, and 18 more...
Posted on 17 January 2019, 01:27 by:
Recyclex Score
Base +6, ndersea +6, bluewin +7, b60229 +4, ph0bia +6, T J +6, Jake997 +6, Vege-hole +6, 流風亂神 +7, iambabyhu +14, Henry L. +7, asdzxcaer +21, Zes +40, and 8 more...
Posted on 17 January 2019, 02:56 by:
godgame Score
Base +6, ndersea +6, bluewin +7, ph0bia +6, b60229 +4, T J +6, Jake997 +6, Vege-hole +6, 流風亂神 +7, iambabyhu +14, Henry L. +7, asdzxcaer +21, iiotokoA +13, and 9 more...
Posted on 17 January 2019, 07:08 by:
Joner Score
Base +8, andrew70603 +6, ph0bia +6, b60229 +4, T J +6, Jake997 +6, 流風亂神 +7, a74569872 +6, taroex +8, rjc921010 -6, dfsdfdfr3434 +9, mruiz +4, 41qw +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 17 January 2019, 08:22 by:
通吃貨 Score
Base +6, ph0bia +6, b60229 +4, Jake997 +6, Vege-hole +6, 流風亂神 +7, asdzxcaer +21, ☆RIVER☆ +6, ExAlan +6, R-wild +16, Zes +40, Nightare_miku +6, Hikaru_Lan +19, and 15 more...
Base +6, b60229 +4, T J +6, Jake997 +6, Vege-hole +6, kdiver +9, 流風亂神 +7, man1970114 +13, a74569872 +6, taroex +8, dfsdfdfr3434 +9, whiteheath +6, mruiz +4, and 5 more...
Posted on 20 January 2019, 03:10 by:
chvng0104 Score
Base +6, blast000 +6, R-wild +16, man1970114 +13, a74569872 +6, hydrorobot +2, fuck1712938443 +5, frankbili1998 +5
Posted on 08 March 2019, 17:34 by:
茉莉5247 Score
Base +5, takeitboy +14, a20128601 +5, assassinzhang +6
Posted on 14 May 2020, 20:10 by:
gzhi Score
Base +6