1. You can blacklist uploaders who mainly upload stuff you don't like (in settings) 2. You now can hide tags you dislike, and watch tags you like (configure it in "my tags") 3. Galleries with some tags (like guro and scat) should give you a warning before you even see anything, if they don't you disabled it
This is not my thing but for the sake of that people seem to downvote vore, I'm going to give this 5 stars to try and balance things out.
This has what this is in the title of the damn thing, why are people still clicking on it and either are surprised that it's vore and downvoting it or are intentionally coming in to downvote it. Yaoi or similar is not my thing either, I still don't go nor see a point to go in to those and downvote that stuff. Let folks who like this stuff rate them as they see fit and let them fap in peace sheesh.
Base +8, potatooo +7, unknownshadows +6, Alcannon +6, HiddenMeme +5, tpickot +6, randyman123 +2, tar26 +6, Turbotowns +6, Army L +6, butt1234123412341234 +6, Kamikazeon +6, Nanashi Genmu +35