Porkymon and Vriskaserket have set a new standard in uploading artist galleries: just upload all pics available in all sizes you can find (even if the difference is just 1 or 2kb) and never mind all the dupes in these galleries. Now that's really serving your public....I for one love to see the same pictures 3 or 4 times in the same gallery....NOT.
BUT it seems it is not forbidden in any way so...to make yet bigger galleries...yeah...what to do?....yeah...work to do...find differerent sizes...serve your public. They want this...
My advice for artists uploaders= just download every pic you can find of an artist, remove the same size dupes, put some popular images upfront and upload. Makes the work a lot easyer.
Last edited on 31 January 2019, 18:24.
Base +25, Rayman06 -6, RainSpider +6, MilfHunterCougar69 +5