How does a grown man standing up with a knife get killed by a teen girl who is on the floor, face down, vomiting? Saori must have a monstrous killer instinct.
Base +6, ILHentai1 +6, Zetsubo Scynthe -7, Eyne +6
@rspncey776 that's not what you should be complaining about (because, you see, Senshado is a martial art in the GuP universe, so technically the girls are all them well-trained martial artists - which is playd for laughs in the actual canon, twice having Miho defeat people in hand-to-hand without even TRYING). You whould be complaining at SAORI GETTING A BOYFRIEND. That's about as unlikely in the GuPverse as Captain Kirk NOT getting it on with the green-skinned alien girl in the Trekkieverse.