Base +8, The_Minotaur +6, dla123lim -8, booki -6, Xunkun -6, hentiez -11, polyfetish -6, Towerwatch -6, cpc023 -6, zimbuzki +7, marcko -7, britishpoop -6, thatguy1996 +3, and 22 more...
Base +14, Xunkun +6, polyfetish +6, dj87865 -6, Jin.H. -10, cg8 +9, zombi007 +6, Bane13 -30, prinnymask +6, tadpolegaming +5, emmanuelman -7
Base +6, solaris19952 -7, BungeeLove -2, DahSpanker +6, Jin.H. +10, cg8 -9, zombi007 +6, Bane13 +50, prinnymask +6, TMZ-19 -6, drakezan +4, LordVlad -6, tadpolegaming +5, and 5 more...
Base +6, Jin.H. -10, cg8 +9, zombi007 -6, TMZ-19 +6, Bane13 -30, AirenVaigr +6, LordVlad +6, tadpolegaming -5, DarkCocoon -6, Limited +8, Luigibotnik +6, emmanuelman +7, and 2 more...
Base +6, notlogged +6, drakezan -4, peoner +6, Echo of Wrath +6, sleegleheeble21 +6, Limited +8, Luigibotnik +6, emmanuelman +7, TMZ-19 +6, M3M35 +6, Eon87 +6
Posted on 25 March 2019, 10:42 by:
Ogen Score
Base +6, Luigibotnik +6, tadpolegaming +6
Posted on 10 July 2019, 19:32 by:
kieyzo Score
Base +7, tadpolegaming +6, Iota3 +4