Base +3, Cocassu -7, theprinceh -8, kylon +6, Nayko93 -2, blackheart327 +6, slade745 -8, Gaiadrill +8, Turbotowns +6, TerrorKingMugen +6, voreleba -4, VerloreneEhre +6, fernendoff +8
Base +6, anomahous +10, Cocassu -7, theprinceh -8, kylon +6, Nayko93 -2, blackheart327 +6, neon6 +6, slade745 -8, unknownshadows +6, TerrorKingMugen +6, voreleba -4, VerloreneEhre +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 08 March 2019, 08:05 by:
meficrow Score
Base +10, Cocassu -7, theprinceh -8, kylon +6, Seviper4 +7, private_wolfbane +8, blackheart327 +6, slade745 -8, yaoifan23 +17, unknownshadows +6, Gaiadrill +8, hmushk +6, Turbotowns +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, TerrorKingMugen +6, voreleba -4, VerloreneEhre +6, fernendoff +8