Posted on 14 March 2019, 22:02 by:
naxusnl Posted on 02 February 2019, 23:50 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, Megaton +42, ˢᵐᵃˡˡ +7, spazman56789 +8, Kekneko +1, as102 +10, Grimz +7, jake1237 +7, multistab +6, K001 DUD3 +6, void-stealer +6, SuperGenericAnon +7, rubyhiro +7, and 268 more...
Posted on 02 February 2019, 23:59 by:
Kanuro5 Score
Base +7, Megaton +42, ˢᵐᵃˡˡ +7, Kekneko +1, as102 +10, ShadowRFox +8, RipSnorting +5, Bravelance +6, rockingoldensamurai +6, Djiimon +6, Domanxyz1992 +6, Bedlam11 +6, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, and 70 more...
Posted on 03 February 2019, 00:23 by:
junhezhin Score
Base +8, Seviper4 +7, rockingoldensamurai +6, Domanxyz1992 +6, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, InnerSpirit +6, ztepjk +6, AstralBot3D +1, RigenZ +6, go58mets +6, MaxMach +7, somercet +7, shuntensatsu +15, and 54 more...
Base +6, Seviper4 +7, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, RockGuy +6, RedRingRun +4, AsuraZero +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, Manx -6, damnspams +6, Fap might +1, yunnch +6, barkingdead +6, Maxer123 +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 03 February 2019, 00:43 by:
piyin Score
Base +25, Hello my name is +6, knucklesluigi +7, soul saber +6, MaxMach +7, Esp007 +6, AsuraZero +6, person107 +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, damnspams +6, ivnmrzv +6, Rockington +9, Daquik1 +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 03 February 2019, 02:15 by:
Blopa Score
Base +8, Manx +6, 1337H4xx0r +4, vomont +8
Base +6, naxusnl +19, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Hello my name is +6, Darkelitex +6, AsuraZero +6, BilboBalob +6, Lord Rawr +4, DDude8 +14, Leon979 +6, person107 +6, Manga360 +6, kplate +7, and 18 more...
Base +18, JEFFWANTSTOFAP +5, Hello my name is +6, Goretanton +5, Legojack +9, Rockington +9, mostaba +6, Hahahacker +4, yunnch +6, Anime Dominator +8, budgieboi +6, Daddyfatsack +6, 3xiled +6, and 5 more...
Base +6, Beddhist +14, ArXyn +6, 1776XKCD +7, soul saber +6, Mr. Possession +6, shuntensatsu +15, Kharon +12, TormacEvacuation +6, BSJSB +6, Lord Rawr +4, DDude8 +14, whiskeysnake +6, and 59 more...
Base +7, Lord Rawr +4, ensane +9, NightFireFury +6, scrappy135 +7, mrk234 +9, Goretanton +5, Damoriel +6, Daquik1 +6, yunnch +6, barkingdead +6, ktkwon00 +6, pipino +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 03 February 2019, 05:46 by:
Amauri14 Score
Base +6, barkingdead +6, firekami +8
Posted on 03 February 2019, 07:09 by:
Hectotane Score
Base +7, ThatOtherYou +6, Manx -6, Goretanton +5, Fap might +1, Daddyfatsack +6, barkingdead +6, yodadud +5, Anime Dominator +8, Daquik1 +6, Diablo44555 +9, drannoc +7, Dash-Dash-Dash +7, and 7 more...
Base +6, Esp007 +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +7
Base +13, soul saber +6, Hahahacker +4, Daquik1 +6
Base +5, barkingdead +6, Anime Dominator +8, tobeunforgiven2 +21, 1986GB +6
Posted on 04 February 2019, 02:08 by:
H_homster Score
Base +6, Manx -6, mrk234 +9, EagleHolden +6, Man Moon -6, Hahahacker +4, Syerathe +13, Anime Dominator +8, Daquik1 +6, Akeno Myose -5, vomont -8, tobeunforgiven2 +21
Base +6, jajo14 +5, kplate +7, Manx +6, Goretanton +5, Hahahacker +4, barkingdead +6, Syerathe +13, Iucif3r +6, Anime Dominator +8
Base +6, ThatOtherYou +6, Goretanton +5, Daquik1 +6, damnspams +6, Euronet +6
Posted on 06 February 2019, 04:02 by:
AtotehZ Score
Base +9, Romi the Byzantine +7, Diablo44555 +9, Goretanton +5, GT150 +2, Daquik1 +6, Fap might +1, Daddyfatsack +6, barkingdead +6, GNidhogg +6, Salsa man +6, mojomaniac487 +6, Euronet +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 06 February 2019, 19:57 by:
stopwatch Score
Base +6, GT150 +2, Daquik1 +6, Syerathe +13, tobeunforgiven2 +21, 1986GB +6
Base +7, Daquik1 +6, barkingdead +6, Anime Dominator +8, hentaifreak93 +4, tobeunforgiven2 +21, 1986GB +6
Base +7, ThatOtherYou +6, Anime Dominator +8, Daquik1 +6, 1986GB +6, Dracul IV +6
Posted on 17 February 2019, 10:01 by:
lokkkas Score
Base +5, MonteZedio +6, Ziguch +6, lishde1 +10, soul saber +6, barkingdead +6, Cressent67 +7, Anime Dominator +8, Daquik1 +6, UnthinkingWisdom +6, Euronet +6, lewgnik +6, tobeunforgiven2 +21, and 9 more...
Base +6, reborned +7, barkingdead +6, Anime Dominator +8
Base +5, rockingoldensamurai +6, necrosis527 +11, Syerathe +13, Daquik1 +6, budgieboi +6, vomont -8
Base +10, naxusnl +19, soul saber +6, Anime Dominator +8, Daquik1 +6, 1986GB +6
Base +5, trash detective -6, JohnyXD -11, vomont +8, GK_GAMES -7
Base +9, Thomask +6, s0ulkill8r +37, Syerathe +13, Daquik1 +6, 3xiled +6, tobeunforgiven2 +21
Base +6, barkingdead +6, Damoriel +6, lewgnik +6, Dracul IV +6, hizack123 +6
Posted on 16 March 2019, 03:11 by:
robypoo Score
Base +8, vomont -8, hizack123 +6, 1986GB +6, GK_GAMES -7
Posted on 17 March 2019, 00:36 by:
agreg Score
Base +7, trash detective +6, 1986GB +6, GK_GAMES +7
Base +6, Xymena +6, StratoSquir +6
Posted on 26 June 2019, 08:18 by:
dman69 Score
Base +7
Posted on 18 July 2019, 02:59 by:
Chojiin Score
Base +6, vomont -8, Und3adgam3r -7
Base +2, SkeithoftheQwand +6
Base +6, GT150 +4, starburst98 +6, 1986GB +6