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(C95) [Earthean (Syoukaki)] Obake nante Inai! (Girls' Frontline)

(C95) [アーシアン (消火器)] おばけなんていないッ! (少女前線)

Posted:2019-03-31 17:07
File Size:17.53 MiB
Length:27 pages
Favorited:338 times
Average: 4.53

Showing 1 - 27 of 27 images

Posted on 31 March 2019, 17:07 by:   obsoletezero    PM
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Posted on 31 March 2019, 18:38 by:   piespy    PM
Score +84
At least I don't have to look up the kanji this way!
Posted on 31 March 2019, 18:52 by:   swarog    PM
Score +43
The problem with english Anime dubs is that there's no money and the voice actors are shit, which leads to acting being reduced to reading your parts in high pitched voice. For some reason the same voice actors used to at least try in the past and it actually sounded like proper cartoon voiceover but now looks like nobody gives a shit. Manga translations are cheaper just like subs so they're both well made and even if they happen to be not it's still not as jarring as listening to 20 min of people reading from their cards in high pitched voices.

Romanized manga is good though, maybe I'll learn Japanese enough to ditch subs.
Posted on 31 March 2019, 20:47 by:   Nomake Wan    PM
Score +30
@swarog: It's far more complex than you're making it out to be, and even in the modern era there have been some good dubs. Not many, but a few. One of the big differences between how an Anime is voiced in Japanese and how it's dubbed into English takes place at the point of dubbing itself. In Japan, all the VAs involved in a particular scene are physically in the same room, voicing their lines off of one another. In English dubs, each individual character's lines are dubbed individually, which leaves the voice actor with nothing to bounce their act off of other than the visuals. There are some who are great at this, and other who aren't so great. But it would still be more organic if it were done as the original work had been done. And that's just one more aspect to the problem.
Posted on 31 March 2019, 23:54 by:   DJ_Puchuu    PM
Score +12
I chuckled.

I have to ask, though, are you working on an actual translation?
Posted on 01 April 2019, 01:10 by:   crazyjapan    PM
Score +10
raw romaji, good idea.
Posted on 01 April 2019, 21:46 by:   Hive-san    PM
Score +8
Please upload the english translation next but put it all in katakana
Posted on 03 April 2019, 05:10 by:   Kongou Class Autism    PM
Score +6
obsoletezero, you absolute madman
Posted on 03 April 2019, 07:28 by:   UshiroMaou    PM
Score +15
@Nomake Wan: While the Japanese are all in the same room, they tend to do this thing where multiple voice actors stand in a line in rows behind a limited number of mics. They shuffle back and forth between the actors when they get to their parts. Additionally, they voice it with the mouth flaps already at least partially animated. Meaning they also have to match the mouth flaps just like dubs here do. Between juggling the mic and timing the flaps with each other's acting, the work is very technical.

Going back to eng dubbing, the studio I work at doesn't even let you see the script before you get to the session. Their reasoning being that actors can't be directed if they've already rehearsed their parts. As a result, the work at my studio is all cold reads. They also don't hire unionized actors, that's how little money they make. You're basically expected to learn about and settle into your character as you go. The actors aren't even bad at their jobs. But they're selected based on voice matching and not how well the director knows they can play the part. Hell sometimes it's not even a voice match, but what the Japanese producers imagine the character's voice would sound like in english. The only way you're gonna get good dubs are if english companies have enough money, help fund the anime and are allowed to be a part of the planning process.

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