Posted on 06 April 2019, 21:04 by:
naxusnl Posted on 06 April 2019, 22:05 by:
57welder Score
Base +7, lolinternets -7, hart123 -10, Canmantis12 -6, stupid army -7, cjopaze -7, Person8 -7, amarcord +6, bigscuba +2, Refuge -7, laststand -6, random_average_guy -11, thea001 +6, and 9 more...
Base +6, xxkralozixx -6, lolinternets -7, hart123 -10, kuroshinzo -10, Canmantis12 -6, stupid army -7, Person8 -7, amarcord +6, bigscuba +2, Refuge -7, laststand -6, random_average_guy -11, and 10 more...
Base +6, stupid army +7, bigscuba +2, Keric22 +6, liberius +6, assblaster123 +6, ensane +9, Hageln +6, poirepomme +6, Krazylec +6, CharlieHoang97 +6, CatgirlFanatic +6, Eric McSaltypenis +6, and 52 more...
Base +7, liberius +6, ensane +9, Krazylec +6, nbdxq +3, CatgirlFanatic +6, SurpriseAnon +9, Master E +6, Rango532 +6, CelestialNTR -5, White Remington -8, Novanity +6, Porokichin66 +9, and 7 more...
Base +6, Kisses -7, Grimz -7, ensane +9, Romi the Byzantine +7, Hageln +6, nbdxq +3, hardened +4, CatgirlFanatic +6, Eric McSaltypenis +6, musoukaXIV +10, kealuox +7, DKU +6, and 56 more...
Base +6, Hageln +6, nbdxq +3, CatgirlFanatic +6, whade +6, as102 +10, Yunikon +5, MrFlop -6, plusarkos +6, White Remington -8, 1337H4xx0r +4, Novanity +6, WisteriaBerlitz +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 07 April 2019, 00:31 by:
tearsax Score
Base +7, nbdxq +3, White Remington -8, Drax +9, Novanity +6, OllyA +2, Siquall +6, Clavilenyo +7, Juggernaut Santa +29, Raiya95 -5, Rockington +9, xnon1 -6, prbanime +10, and 3 more...
Last edited on 07 April 2019, 02:12.
Base +3, Eric McSaltypenis +6, CelestialNTR -5, White Remington -8, Darksword696 -13, saihafire -8, itachixmaster -8, GearZeroSky -18, Juggernaut Santa +29, Raiya95 +5, jsnormandy +8, MrFlop -6, aramil31 +6, and 9 more...
Base +17, xyg9449 +5, nbdxq +3, kwajalien +12, Aelth +6, as102 +10, destroyshy -6, nightnyx +7, plusarkos +6, faggot9090 +6, IncognitoMaud +6, WisteriaBerlitz +6, Brerose +6, and 18 more...
Base +7, Unst99 -9, thanhnums -7, 1337H4xx0r +4, White Remington -8, Anontalkwarrior +6, itachixmaster -8, HF12 -6, Raiya95 -5, xLucia~ -7, prbanime +10, ngmmstr +7, DROGONDOLDOS +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, Aelth +6, White Remington -8, 1337H4xx0r +4, Drax -9, RaizelX -7, ayashi9 +5, itachixmaster -8, Sanicthefastmaster -6, GearZeroSky -18, KoningWilders -6, Nausea +7, akunoko +16, and 15 more...
Base +9, kwajalien -12, Exhausted -7, Aelth +6, thanhnums -7, Yunikon +5, MrFlop -6, White Remington -8, RaizelX -7, ayashi9 +5, Darksword696 -13, itachixmaster -8, Träumerei -6, and 16 more...
Base +6, kwajalien +12, Exhausted +7, Aelth +6, as102 +10, plusarkos +6, 1337H4xx0r +4, IncognitoMaud +6, Megaton +42, dinilsu +6, pindusa +6, Porokichin66 +9, OllyA +2, and 18 more...
Base +6, Aelth +6, destroyshy -6, xxjyroxx +7, akunoko -16, Clavilenyo +7, Juggernaut Santa +29, Raiya95 -5, Reasons2B -3, jsnormandy +8, prbanime -10
Base +6, thanhnums -7, destroyshy +6, Yunikon +5, xxjyroxx +7, White Remington -8, Drax +9, dinilsu +6, dynamo1134 +6, ralix2 -6, akunoko -16, Juggernaut Santa +29, Breuger -6, and 10 more...
Base +7, thanhnums -7, destroyshy +6, Träumerei +6, akunoko -16, Wave +6, Juggernaut Santa +29, HF12 +6, Raiya95 -5
Posted on 08 April 2019, 16:53 by:
Forgunia Score
Base +5, dinilsu -6, White Remington -8, itachixmaster -8, Träumerei -6, ralix2 +6, akunoko +16, Clavilenyo -7, Juggernaut Santa -29, Breuger +6, Raiya95 -5, Dsoul1150 -12, prbanime -10, and 3 more...
Base +6, akunoko -16, Juggernaut Santa +29, Raiya95 -5, prbanime +10
Posted on 11 April 2019, 23:51 by:
Ruckkus Score
Base +7, White Remington +8, ralix2 -6, akunoko -16, Wave +6, Masthorbaiter -4, Juggernaut Santa +29, Raiya95 -5, prbanime +10, gordono -6, Iroald +6
Posted on 27 June 2019, 08:04 by:
cabbages Score
Base +10, Juggernaut Santa +29, jsnormandy +8, Iroald +6
Posted on 22 September 2020, 02:54 by:
Hyoros Score
Base +14, absolugom +7