Enjoy Chapter 5 of this webtoon! Separating these out by chapter and re-dividing the panels. At first had very long pages that would have panels get cut in half, so I just decided to re-divide them and make the chapters a bit more digestible. We're Netorare World! Visit us for more doujins (korean, chinese, french, italian, english, spanish) porn comics, korean manhwa (translated to english) and more: https://netorarew.blogspot.com
Summary: I fell in love with my friend's dad. One night, I gathered my courage and went into his room. "Do you not see me as a woman?
Download Chapter: http://ceesty.com/w1GD9O Thank you for your support! ♥
All chapters (12) available on here: https://netorarew.blogspot.com/2019/04/my-friends-dad-happygra-koi-manhwa.html
SO many questions... What's up with the heroic stranger's one and done in this? Is there no followup since she's probably going after the dad? Why is she going after the dad again? Dude seems a lot creepier than first expected with his apparent piss fetish... Is that a Korean custom to not flush tissues in the toilet? That might be awkward on Kimchi night...