I did a re-translation of a Shinku comic Szayedt did. There were a lot of things mistranslated (covered in the translator's notes page) and the original translation also didn't use the images at their original quality. The title to this gallery is different because there's no magic in these Maika stories (it's all sci-fi). The character used is "魔," a character referring to evil.
Also left out the HD I've been using in my translation posting because I misread their name on pixiv since the display name was changed to reflect what the artist was going through at the time (thus the vanishing smiley used in the original translation gallery listing). They changed it recently and it's been becoming clear to me reading through comments of stuff made by Shinku's fellow vacuum bed content producers that they were always just called Shinku.
Unfortunately, I couldn't use the speech bubbles, though I figured they weren't necessary is I just used color coding. If anyone wants to make another translation or at least add the word bubbles feel free.
Original Pixiv posting: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52283064 Original Translation: /g/1288184/affcae5a0c/
@J_Eye_Translate jeyetranslations.blogspot.com
I've started doing web novel translations on my blog, including one from Shinku (which involves brainwashing a police inspector into wanting to be a meat candlestick by rewiring her brain so it feels really good to have her joints straight and also she has a huge collection of anal dildos that is implied to have already existed before the rewired brain thing). Check that all out if your interested.
Medaka The End 4 & 5 will be released together. Initial translations are done. They probably won't be my next posts but expect them hopefully sooner rather than later.
Good catches - was never quite satisfied with my translation on this one, so good to see an improved translation! I honestly forget where I got Altear from, I think it was a mixup with the comments on his Pixiv somewhere.
(Also yeah my brain automatically associates 魔 with magic. Should have caught that earlier!)
Your translation made the final few pages go much faster. Also, thanks for introducing me to Shinku with that translation. Now I'm getting into his friend Yoichi's web novels and it's all gold.