Collection of images that shows bits of world/lore of Eonbound that was mostly lost. I put it as "complete-ish" because I believe this shows a good chunk of background info that I'm happy with~ But I may come back to add character bios and abridged version of story arcs. But commissioning is becoming more expensive!
I was originally doing this with Lemonfont with "World of Etromia" but that got cancelled.
's nice to finally get some more details about this stuff. It's an interesting setting but I can't seem to find anything on it other than what's been shared here for the most part.
Though I'll be honest, kinda sounds like the lot of them would be besieged by cultivators for use as slaves... mainly for sex off the top of my head(that's what? a E cup minimum for women?), and/or cultivation materials, and that's mainly due to the content of the last two pages.... off the top of my head it's the old "They ain't humans so they don't matter" argument for that going on. I really don't know why gaining power from comprehending some aspect of the universe or another seems to ... fucking hell my vocabulary's failing me here. Something about sentient life not really being treated as if it's worth a damn unless it's related to you as well as some weird expectation that people will just stand still for you to kill them and they won't try to hit back. ... it's more fuckery than "might makes right" culture alone explains. ...