Base +19, 44milos +5, tj911 +5, Vanguard3125 +6, Qwerty Bam +6, misimasd991 +2, Vauban +8, Vinsader +6, Bigpp69 +2, KillerMagician +6, elaxor +6, Scorps283 +6, immortal rain +6, and 16 more...
Base +10, tj911 -5, hoigoigoi +22, Vanguard3125 +6, Scorps283 +5, edson -13, misimasd991 +2, bigscuba +3, C4th0de +8, Porokichin66 +9
Posted on 31 May 2019, 21:57 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, Refon_S +10, zeroken_kurayami -6, Ost666 +6, cumvirginhentai +6, NaixTheLS +6, Person8 +7, SeptimustheSeventh +3, Vanguard3125 +6, Scorps283 +5, Sekai seifuku +9, Megaton +42, KolmZato +6, and 16 more...
Base +31, Ost666 +6, Someboday +7, NaixTheLS +6, Person8 +7, SeptimustheSeventh +3, Deorem +6, TCB0987 +6, pleasegivemesauce +6, Sibushang +6, SourBoutLife +12, Remeark +6, Atmoz +6, and 35 more...
Posted on 01 June 2019, 23:40 by:
ickyuck Score
Base +5, Vanguard3125 +6, Scorps283 +5, misimasd991 +2, Bigpp69 +2, Jaysaynomore +6, rawrimabear +6, SCPFoundation1 -2, kurt303 +6, Bwaly +6, Porokichin66 +9
Base +6, ghost_of_sanakan +7, Vanguard3125 +6, PenisMen +6, 1986GB +6, sable1 +23, Bigpp69 +2, KillerMagician +6, Scorps283 +6, AvidWebFan +6, Ashvinoth +6, Stonehound +6, 2pointer +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, Person8 +7, player4578 -6, klaudefrye +6