Base +6, MikeyBroh +15, emmanuelman -6, DarkShadow6 +6, Atmoz +6, The_Angry_Ninja +3, Lovedrop9802 +6, a4po +6, Megazord0h +6, LockTheDoor +6
Posted on 10 September 2018, 20:38 by:
Zeikfried Score
Base +14, Myrmeleo -6, MikeyBroh -21, Narutu sand ninja -8, copperheart -8, Huberton -5, makingmoretrouble -10, poppotter +6, The_Angry_Ninja -4, El goblino +4, Alec Bluu -6, buttfacelol -6, Anonymous737 +4, and 1 more...
Base +10, MikeyBroh -19, Seiya88 +6, Lovedrop9802 -6, comeonfhqwhgads +1, Myrmeleo -6, DarkShadow6 +6, Narutu sand ninja -8, copperheart -8, Huberton -5, Shadowshard0105 -3, makingmoretrouble -10, Soaring_Angel -6, and 3 more...
Posted on 21 December 2018, 07:56 by:
zelp Score
Base +6, MikeyBroh +21, ejtilstede +6, Narutu sand ninja +8, YugiohKris +6, MikuJess +9, The_Angry_Ninja +4, Your Brother +4, Zee capten +6, Bigblack1298 +5, copperheart -8, makingmoretrouble +10, Soaring_Angel +6, and 2 more...
Base +8, The_Angry_Ninja +6